(pronounciation of MoVeDo is in Italian)
A build tool for your Markdown based, git hosted documentation.
Think of it like gradle
, leiningen
, maven
, grunt
or any other build tool that mainly relies on convention
(over configuration) -- but for your documentation.
By default it:
- supports pre-processing with PP
- produces one HTML file per Markdown file
- produces a single, fused Markdown file
- produces a single PDF file
- uses YAML Front-Matter document meta-data
- promotes/suggests/uses Pandoc's Markdown (a Markdown flavor)
A directory structure sketch of a sample project using MoVeDo:
/about.md # part of the beginning of the docu
/index.md # part of multi-file outputs like HTML, but not PDF
/LICENSE.md # treated as repo file -> excluded from the docu
/README.md # treated as repo file -> excluded from the docu
/chapters/01_intro/01_section1.md # (Pandoc's) Markdown file, part of the docu
/chapters/01_intro/02_section2.pp.md # PP pre-processor annotated Markdown file
/index-md.txt # optional; It denotes which *.md files appear in which order
# in single-file outputs like PDF
/movedo/ # git sub-module linked to this repo
One can use an arbitrary directory structure (including a flat one)
for the Markdown sources.
With the exception of a few special files (like README
and directories (like build
and hidden ones (.*
all *.md
files are considered sources for the documentation.
By default, all output is generated in the build
and for the above project would look like:
/build/gen-src/index-md.txt # either copied from the source, or auto-generated
# from the FS structure of the *.md files
# (alphabetically, with directories after files).
# It denotes which *.md files appear in which order
# in single-file outputs like PDF
/build/gen-src/chapters/01_intro/02_section2.md # PP pre-processing is done here
/build/gen-src/doc.md # all the above Markdown files fused into one
/build/pdf/doc.pdf # doc.md converted into a PDF
In your git repo containing the Markdown sources, add this repo as a sub-module:
git submodule add https://github.com/movedo/MoVeDo.git movedo
git submodule update --init --recursive # to install MoVeDo submodules
echo "/build/" >> .gitignore # to git ignore the MoVeDo generated files
(and then commit this)
other devs will then have to check the sub-module out as well:
git submodule update --init --recursive
or do it right when cloning your repo:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/GH_USER/GH_REPO.git
from then on, you can use MoVeDo for building your docu like this:
This would generate output like shown in Sample Output.
The main directories of this repo are:
/scripts/ # BASH scripts that may be used by a "client"-project to generate artifacts
/filters/ # Python Panflute Pandoc filters, that act as little helpers
# when dealing with multiple Markdown files that are meant to be fused together
# into a single document
/test/filters/ # Unit-tests for the filters mentioned above