This project created base on Telegraaf Media Groep assignment for the hiring process.

This project contains Top head news for all country mentioned in the TMG site, You can choose the country you want to follow news and see All topHeadNews about the country. You can type the country name into the box above the screen and you can see all countries with the same name in the drop-down list. After you chose the country you can see the news. Also, with scroll application will load more news.


The application developed in two different modules Core, App.

- core content all comment class like generic and Widget.

- app module contains all the things related to Ui, Adapter, Model, and database 


Following are the main technology and concept that I use in this project:

- Kotlin
- MVVM              
- Dagger-v2         
- LiveData
- ViewModel     
- Room
- DataBinding
- Retrofit
- Espresso


- Android Studio 3.4.2
- Gradle version 5.1.1
- Kotlin version 1.3.41


Ali Shatergholi