#Live Commentery React-Native App (Code Challange)

##Setup To be able to run application:

(yarn | npm install) && make start

  • make start:
    • starts json-server
    • runs application on ios

How it looks?


Used Dependencies

  • Axios is http client. It is pretty straight forward and has handy implementations like interceptors. I have used for very simple purpose for get request.

  • Redux is a great state management library. Since app doesnt have too much feature it was not necessary to use it, i might use Mobx which is simpler however since it is a challange app i wanted to use Redux

  • Redux-Saga is aiming to make application side effects easier and gives more control. Thats why i use it over most of the time Redux-Thunk. However it was not necessary for this application to use it since it is small.