Genesis Prelaunch Introduction

Welcome! This process ensures that the decision-making process is transparent, fair, and inclusive decentralized protocol bootstrapping.

Genesis Launch Checklist

  • Genesis Launch Documentaion: Link
  • [] Solventless Terp Airdrop Cycles Documentation: Link
  • Gentx Process: Link
  • Foundation Delegation Policy: Link

Post Launch Checklist

  • [] 2nd Airdrop Cycle Proposal
  • [] Smart Contract Upload Proposals

Current Proposed Genesis Parameters Configuration

Inital Supply Parameters

  • TERP: 420 Million
  • THIOL: 420 Million

Inital Distribution Parameters

  • Protocol Treasury Tokens: 284,025,703UTERP, 284,025,703UTHIOL
  • Airdrop Cycle One: 72,974,297UTERP & 72,974,297UTHIOL
  • TerpNET Foundation DAO: 63000000UTERP & 63000000UTHIOL
  • community_tax: 2%
  • base_proposer_reward: 1%
  • bonus_proposer_reward: 4%
  • withdraw_addr_enabled: true
  • inflation: 93%
  • mint_denom: uthiol
  • inflation_max: 93%
  • inflation_min: 93%
  • goal_bonded: 0.000100000000000000
  • blocks_per_year: 6311520
  • send_enabled: true
  • receive_enabled: true

Inital Vesting Parameters

Only the TerpNET Foundation DAO & 10 inital validators will have any tokens in circulation at genesis.

  • TerpNET Foundation DAO: 50% at 7 years.
  • Every Bitcanna, CosmosHub, TerpOG, & Scavenger Hunt Reward: 100% at 6 months from 4/20/2023

Initial Delegation Parameters

  • unbonding_time: 3 weeks
  • max_validators: 69
  • max_entries: 7
  • historical_entries: 10000
  • bond_denom: uterp

Initial Governance Parameters

  • min_deposit: 100TERP
  • max_deposit_period: 3 days
  • voting_period: 4 days
  • quorum: 33.4%
  • threshold: 50%
  • veto_threshold: 33.4%

Initial Smart Contract Parameters

  • code_upload_access: Nobody
  • instantiate_default_permission: Nobody

Initial ICA (Inter-Chain Accounts) Parameters

  • controller_enabled: true
  • host_enabled: true

Inital Slashing Parameters

  • signed_blocks_window: 12,000
  • min_signed_per_window: 25%
  • downtime_jail_duration: 600 seconds
  • slash_fraction_double_sign: 5% slash_fraction_downtime: .1%

The current proposed genesis to be used to collect gentxs for Main Network 1 is located here.. The scripts used to make this genesis file can be found here.


Terp Network is highly experimental software. In these early days, we can expect to have issues, updates, and bugs. The existing tools require advanced technical skills and involve risks which are outside of the control of the Terp Network and/or the TerpNET Foundation team . Any use of this open source Apache 2.0 licensed software is done at your own risk and on a “AS IS” basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, and any and all liability of the teams for damages arising in connection to the software is excluded. Please exercise extreme caution!

Furthermore, it must be noted that it remains in the community's discretion to adopt or not to adopt the Genesis State that the TerpNET Foundation DAO recommends within the Genesis Block Software. Therefore, The dev team cannot guarantee that (i) TERPS will be created and (ii) the recommended allocation as set forth herein will actually take place.