
[WIP] PHP cryptocurrency trading library which provide a lot of bitcoin/altcoin exchanges

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Crypto Currency Exchanges Trader CircleCI

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composer require systemfailure/crypto-currency-exchanges-trader

Symfony Bundle

Not required, you can use it w/o framework

Add folowing lines into config/bundles.php

return [
    // ... Another bundles
    Kefzce\CryptoCurrencyExchanges\KefzceCryptoCurrencyExchangesBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Framework independent usage

As the single Provider w/o Kernel

Important! Provider should be accessible from outside via container configuration / explanation

// import namespace
use Kefzce\CryptoCurrencyExchanges\Bootstrap;

$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; // boot autoloader

$bootstrap = Bootstrap::withDotEnv(__DIR__) //specify .env folder or use ::withEnvironmentValues() 
->registerLoader($loader) // Annotation registry needs specify composer autoload
->enableAutoImportsProviders(); // required thing, register all providers into DependencyInjection Container
$container = $bootstrap->boot(); // fetching container
$computedProvider = $container->get(SomeProvider::class); //SomeProvider instance

With ProviderBuilder:

Important! Provider should be accessible from outside via container configuration / explanation

$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; // boot autoloader

$bootstrap = Bootstrap::withDotEnv(__DIR__) //specify .env folder or use ::withEnvironmentValues()
->registerLoader($loader) // Annotation registry needs specify composer autoload 
->enableAutoImportsProviders(); // required thing, register all providers into DependencyInjection Container
$container = $bootstrap->boot(); // fetching container
/** ProviderBuilder $builder */
$builder = $container->get(ProviderBuilder::class); // an instance of ProviderBuilder

$computedProvider =  $builder->build(SomeProvider::class); // instance of SomeProvider
// Same as
$computedProvider = $builder::build(FQCN::class);
// $computedProvider variable contains ready to work an instance of required Provider.
// or even
$computedProvider = (new ProviderBuilder($container))->build(SomeProvider::class);

List of all available Providers:

Required console mode OR installing via Symfony bundle

php bin/console providers:list

Search provider by FQCN:

Required console mode OR installing via Symfony bundle

php bin/console providers:search ProviderName // give some nice output information about provider

Booting into console mode

Not required if you using this package with Symfony framework

// import namespace
use Kefzce\CryptoCurrencyExchanges\Bootstrap;
use Kefzce\CryptoCurrencyExchanges\Kernel;

$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; // boot autoloader

$bootstrap = Bootstrap::withDotEnv(__DIR__)//specify .env folder or use ::withEnvironmentValues() 
->registerLoader($loader) // Annotation registry needs specify composer autoload
->registerConsoleCommands() //if you wanna boot into console mode provide a few commands
->enableAutoImportsProviders() // required thing, register all providers into DependencyInjection Container
    'param' => 'an example of values',
]) // also you can pass into container additional Parameters
->provideParametersPath(__DIR__.'/config.php'); // or even specify parameters file, which should be simple an array on configuration e.g return []
$container = $bootstrap->boot(); // fetching container
$kernel = (new Kernel($container)) // create kernel and passing container into 
    ->enableSentryErrorHandler() // some additional staff which enable sentry error handling(required sentry dsn)
    ->runInConsoleMode(); //booting application into console mode

Symfony Usage:

Method injection

class Controller 
    public function method(SomeProvider $provider)
        $provider->doSome(); // where $provider ready to work instance

Constructor injection

class Service 
    /** @var ProviderInterface */
    private $provider;
    public function __construct(SomeProvider $provider) 
        $this->provider = $provider;
    public function method()

Service Locator

class Service
    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container) 
        $provider = $container->get(SomeProvider::class);
        // or even
        $provider = $this->get(SomeProvider::class);
        // same as 
        // if you extend AbstractController (please dont do this)

Coinbase Usage Example


This is not intended to provide complete documentation of the API. For more detail, please refer to the official documentation.

List supported native currencies

/** @var CurrenciesResource $currencies */
$currencies = $provider->getCurrencies();

List exchange rates

/** @var ExchangeRatesResource $rates */
$rates = $provider->getExchangeRates();

Buy price

/** @var BuyPriceCurrencyResource $buyPrice */
$buyPrice = $provider->getBuyPrice('USD');

Sell price

/** @var SellPriceCurrencyResource $sellPrice */
$sellPrice = $provider->getSellPrice('USD');

Spot price

/** @var SpotPriceCurrencyResource $spotPrice */
$spotPrice = $provider->getSpotPrice('USD');

Current server time

/** @var CurrentServiceTimeResource $time */
$time = $provider->getCurrentServiceTime();

Get authorization info

/** @var CurrentAuthorizationResource $auth */
$auth = $provider->getCurrentAuthorization();

Lookup user info

/** @var UserResource $user */
$user = $provider->getUser($userId);

Run tests

All test available in tests folder, run them directly by typing

composer test