jkroger### Hi 👋, I'm Dare Oduwole

portfolio Oduwole Dare | Twitter Oduwole's LinkedIn Oduwole's gmail

I'm a minimalist, result-oriented, and passionate about technologies that matter. What gets me outta bed is the thrill of solving new problems. I'm always open to learning new technologies and other interesting things to keep up with the ever-evolving software development processes.
🎉 Fun facts:
🕊 I'm a minimalist
🚴🏽 I love walkable cities.
🏝 I love nature
🇳🇴 Favourite country is Norway


javascript nodejs Docker react typescript clang html css3 nginx yaml iTerm webpack redux git

Articles: 42 Minitalk explained, 42 Push swap explained

Top Langs

GitHub stats

C             14 hrs 5 mins   ███████████████▓░░░░░░░░░   62.28 %
JavaScript    3 hrs 39 mins   ████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   16.19 %
C++           1 hr 49 mins    ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   08.04 %
Other         1 hr 8 mins     █▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   05.04 %
Makefile      58 mins         █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   04.34 %

42 Holly Graph


My 42 Project Table

Name Language Skills Description Estimated effort (h)
libft ✅ C Rigor, Imperative programming, Algorithms & AI Re-code useful C functions like split or join using only malloc, free, and write 70
ft_printf 💯 C Rigor, Algorithms & AI Reproduce basic functioning of prinft function (flags implemented: %c, %s, %i, %d, %u, %x, %X, %p, %%) 70
get_next_line ✅ C Rigor, Unix, Algorithms & AI Write a function which returns a line read from a file descriptor (bonus: multiple file descriptors without losing the reading thread on each of them) 70
born2beroot ✅ SysAdmin Rigor, Network & system administration Create a virtual machine under specific instructions. Setting a minimal Debian server implementing strict rules, e.g. strong password policy, UFW firewall, SSH, etc. In the repo there's only a Bash script that had to be broadcasted to all users every 10 minutes using crontab and wall 40
minitalk ✅ C Rigor, Unix Code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals (SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2) and bitwise operations. A string is passed as a parameter to the client, converted into binary, and sent to the server in the form of signals (either 0 or 1), where the string is reconstructed and outputted. 50
push_swap ✅ C Sorting algorithms, Battery concept and handling elements, Algorithm implementation, Rigor, Unix, Imperative programming, Algorithms & AI Given an array of random integers, two stacks, and a limited set of moves (e.g. rotate entire stack up or down), write to the console the smallest number of instructions required to sort the array. 60
so_long ✅ C Graphics, Imperative programming, Applicative Create a small 2D game using the miniLibX API. The game's goal is to leave the map in the shortest amount of moves after collecting all objects. 60
minishell ✅ C Unix, Imperative programming, Rigor Recreate a small Bash-inspired shell for UNIX.
philosophers C Unix, Imperative programming, Rigor 42's take on the classic Dining philosophers problem using threads and mutexes. 70