
JavaScript component for private keys, public keys, and addresess for crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Version build status Coverage Status

JavaScript component for private keys, public keys, and addresses for crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. Works in both Node.js and the browser.

Package Info


npm i --save coinkey


Common Use Cases

Generate a Bunch of Bitcoin Keys/Addresses

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')

var bitcoinKeys = []
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  // bitcoin supported by default

Generate a Bunch of Namecoin Keys/Addresses

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')
// npm install --save coininfo
var ci = require('coininfo')

var namecoins = []
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

Parse a Wallet Import Key and Determine Crypto Currency

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')
var ci = require('coininfo')

var ck = CoinKey.fromWif('QVD3x1RPiWPvyxbTsfxVwaYLyeBZrQvjhZ2aZJUsbuRgsEAGpNQ2')

console.log(ck.privateKey.toString('hex')) // => c4bbcb1fbec99d65bf59d85c8cb62ee2db963f0fe106f483d9afa73bd4e39a8a
console.log(ck.publicAddress) // => DGG6AicS4Qg8Y3UFtcuwJqbuRZ3Q7WtYXv
console.log(ck.compressed) // => true
console.log(ck.versions.public === ci('DOGE').versions.public) // => true

Change to Testnet Later

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')
var ci = require('coininfo')

var ck = new CoinKey(new Buffer('1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd', 'hex'))
console.log(ck.publicAddress) // => 16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS

//change to Testnet
ck.versions = ci('BTC-TEST')

console.log(ck.publicAddress) // => mkzgubTA5Ahi6BPSkE6MN9pEafRutznkMe


CoinKey(privateKey, [versions])

Constructor function.

  • privateKey: The private key bytes. Must be 32 bytes in length. Should be an Array, Uint8Array, or a Buffer.
  • versions: An object that specifies the public and private key versions for addresses and wifs. Defaults to Bitcoin mainnet.

Keys are default set to compressed is true.

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')
//npm install --save secure-random@1.x
var secureRandom = require('secure-random')

var bytes = secureRandom.randomBuffer(32)
var key1 = new CoinKey(bytes)
console.log(key1.compressed) // => true



Inherited from ECKey. eckey.compressed


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.privateKey


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.privateExportKey


Get the private WIF (Wallet Import Format).

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')

var privateKeyHex = "1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd"

//Bitcoin WIF
var key = new CoinKey(new Buffer(privateKeyHex, 'hex'))
key.compressed = false
console.log(key.privateWif) // => 5Hx15HFGyep2CfPxsJKe2fXJsCVn5DEiyoeGGF6JZjGbTRnqfiD

//Litecoin WIF
var key = new CoinKey(new Buffer(privateKeyHex, 'hex'), {private: 0xB0, public: 0x30})
key.compressed = false
console.log(key.privateWif) // => 6uFjYQnot5Gtg3HpP87bp4JUpg4FH1gkkV3RyS7LHBbD9Hpt1na


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.publicKey


Get the public address.

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')

var privateKeyHex = "1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd"

// Bitcoin Address
var key = new CoinKey(new Buffer(privatKeyHex, 'hex'))
console.log(key.publicAddress) // => 16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS

// Litecoin Address
var key = new CoinKey(new Buffer(privateKeyHex, 'hex'), {private: 0xB0, public: 0x30})
console.log(key.publicAddress) // => 'LZyGd5dCPVkVUjA5QbpuUfMNgcmNDLjswH'


Alias: pubKeyHash

Inherited from ECKey. eckey.publicHash


Inherited from ECKey. eckey.publicPoint


Returns the string representation.

var CoinKey = require('coinkey')

var privateKeyHex = "1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd"

//Litecoin Address
var key = new CoinKey(new Buffer(privateKeyHex, 'hex'), {private: 0xB0, public: 0x30})
// => T3e2me1BvRs95K7E8eQ8eha9oRPL1g2U6vmjE5px6RjzbUTvKZsf: LZyGd5dCPVkVUjA5QbpuUfMNgcmNDLjswH


fromWif(wif, [versions])

Class method to create a CoinKey from a wif.

var ck = CoinKey.fromWif('KwomKti1X3tYJUUMb1TGSM2mrZk1wb1aHisUNHCQXTZq5auC2qc3');
console.log(ck.compressed) // => true
console.log(ck.privateKey.toString('hex')) // => 1184cd2cdd640ca42cfc3a091c51d549b2f016d454b2774019c2b2d2e08529fd
console.log(ck.publicAddress) // => 1FkKMsKNJqWSDvTvETqcCeHcUQQ64kSC6s

Browser Support

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/coinkey

Install Browserify

npm install -g browserify

Nav to repo:

cd coinkey

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run browserify:

browserify --standalone coinkey lib/coinkey.js > lib/coinkey.bundle.js

You can now drop coinkey.bundle.js in a <script> tag.

Hack on CoinKey
