

Primary LanguageShell


IPFS is a distributed web, allowing for sharing content like files, media, blogs and websites. This is a project to map out the decentralized web to identify interesting content.

ipfs scanning

IPFS scanning can identify new hosted content or expose information leaks similar to Amazon S3 buckets. To find new web hosts from the swarm to scan & probe:

ipfs swarm peers | sed "s:.*/ipfs/\(.*\)\$:\1:g" | xargs -n1 -P5 ipfs name resolve > peers
cat peers | grep -v "/ipfs/QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn" | sed "s|^||" | xargs open

This maybe expected behaviour for some users ipfs-inactive/faq#155

To find new files hosted from nodes:


you can then download content with ips cli tools

ipfs links

These links have been discovered by crawling the swarm of a connected IPFS client and using the name resolver:


A collection of exploits and malware was found on one of the IPFS nodes, it has been mirrored as an archive, the password is "malware" https://mega.nz/#!4ZkkAS4Y!hW9ZvwHThAxgzZt3CgwBuVHLq7nvwDK4Gf7TC0e-gYM


This file was found on one of the nodes and discovered to contain hash entries for more hosted content including images and media links. You can list the file names and contents using:

cat hashes.txt | parallel -j 10 ipfs ls {}

this file is similar to one output by filescan.sh.


example output from filescan.sh