import { TableDecoder } from './table-decoder.ts';
// let fd = fs.openSync( ".\bsdte3l_prod.txt", 'r' );
let file = (Deno.args.length >= 2 ) ? Deno.args[2] : ".\bsdte2l_prod.txt";
let data = Deno.readFileSync(file); //console.log( data );
let lines = new TextDecoder().decode(data).split('\n');
console.log( lines.length );
interface TableReg { source: string; dataReg: string; scheme: number; profile: number; index: number; appParams: { [index: string]: string } }
let info: { regs: TableReg[]; profiles: number[]; schemes: number[]; } = { regs: [], profiles: [], schemes: [], }
for( let line of lines ) { if ( line.startsWith( "BNJ") && !line.startsWith( "BNJF00001" )) { let sansHeader = line.slice( "BNJF00002 00".length );
if ( sansHeader[ 12 ] == "1" ) { // AID
let dataReg = sansHeader.slice( 9 );
let reg: TableReg;
let scheme = Number.parseInt( sansHeader.substr( 3, 3 ) );
let profile = Number.parseInt( sansHeader.substr( 6, 3 ) );
info.schemes[ scheme ] = ( info.schemes[ scheme ] ?? 0 ) + 1;
info.profiles[ profile ] = ( info.profiles[ profile ] ?? 0 ) + 1;
let appParams = TableDecoder.decodeAID( dataReg );
reg = {
source: sansHeader,
index: Number.parseInt( appParams.RECIDX ),
info.regs.push( reg );
} }
- Check that Indexes are unique within each profile */ let indexByProfile = new Map<number,number[]>();
info.regs.forEach( reg => { let profile = reg.profile;
if ( !indexByProfile.has( profile ) ) indexByProfile.set( profile, [] );
indexByProfile.get( profile )?.push( reg.index ); });
indexByProfile.forEach( ( indexes, profile ) => { if ( arrayHasDuplicates( indexes ) ) { console.log( "** Profile " + profile + " has duplicate indexes "); console.log( indexes.join( ',') ) } })
- Validate each AID */ let byAID: Map<string, TableReg[]> = new Map<string, TableReg[]>();
info.regs.forEach( reg => { let aid = reg.appParams.AID;
if ( !byAID.has( aid ) ) byAID.set( aid, [] );
byAID.get( aid )?.push( reg ); })
let str = "AID ".padEnd( 20, " ") + "LABEL".padEnd( 16, " ");
for( let profile in info.profiles ) { str += " " + (profile + "").padEnd( 2 ); } str += " PMT CTL"
//console.log( str );
byAID.forEach( (regs, aid ) => { let str = aid.padEnd( 20, " ") + regs[0].appParams.DEFLABEL.padEnd(16);
for( let profile in info.profiles ) { let has = regs.some( reg => { // console.log( reg.scheme ) return reg.profile == Number.parseInt(profile); });
str += (has) ? " X " : " . ";
let schemes = regs .map( (reg) => reg.scheme) .filter( (item, pos, arr) => { return arr.indexOf(item)== pos; }) .map( (scheme) => scheme.toString().padStart(3, "0") ) .join( ",");
str += " " + schemes;
let ctmodes = regs .map( (reg) => reg.appParams.CTLSMODE) .filter( (item, pos, arr) => { return arr.indexOf(item)== pos && (item != " "); }) .map( (ctmode) => ctmode.toString() ) .join( ",");
str += " " + ctmodes;
// console.log( str );
let duplProfile = regs.some( (reg, pos, regs) => { return regs.some( (reg2, pos2) => { return pos != pos2 && reg.profile == reg2.profile; } ) }); if ( duplProfile ) { console.log( "^^^^DUPLICATE PROFILE^^^^") }
let inconsScheme = regs.some( (reg, pos, regs) => { return regs.some( (reg2, pos2) => { return pos != pos2 && reg.scheme != reg2.scheme; } ) }); if ( inconsScheme ) { console.log( "^^^^SCHEME INCONSISTENT^^^^") }
let firstDiff = true;
/* let diffRegs = regs.filter( ( reg, index ) => { let baseReg = regs[1].dataReg.slice(8, Number.parseInt( regs[1].appParams.RECLEN ) ); let thisReg = reg.dataReg.slice(8, Number.parseInt( reg.appParams.RECLEN ) );
if ( index != 1 ) {
if ( firstDiff ) {
firstDiff = false;
console.log( regs[1].profile.toString().padStart(3,'0') + ":" + baseReg );
console.log( " " + Array.from(thisReg).map( (ch,index) => {
return ( baseReg[ index ] == ch ) ? ' ' : '*';
}).join( '' ))
console.log( reg.profile.toString().padStart(3,'0') + ":" + thisReg );
return ( index > 0 ) && baseReg != thisReg;
} )
if ( diffRegs.length > 0 ) { console.log( "^^^^REGISTERS DIFFER^^^^" + (reg) => reg.profile ).join(',')) }*/
// Check Indexes //info.regs.
function arrayHasDuplicates( arr: U[] ) { return arr.length !== new Set(arr).size; }