
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Cryptomator Hub CLI is a command line tool for managing Cryptomator Hub.


Cryptomator Hub CLI is sponsored by

Innovations for Poverty Action


If Keycloak of your Cryptomator Hub instance was not created with the Cryptomator Hub CLI option, you need to:

  1. Importing the Client and User via Realm Settings → Actions → Partial Import from the following config file: cryptomatorhub-cli.json
  2. Retrieve the Client Secret from Clients → cryptomatorhub-cli → Credentials. You'll need it to login via hub login client-credentials
  3. Add the view-clients permission to the syncer role


Usage: hub [-hV] [COMMAND]
Manage Cryptomator Hub instances via CLI.
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  login  Login to the hub instance and retrieve an access token.
  setup  Initialize key pairs and registers with Hub. Prints this user's setup
           code to STDOUT on success.
  vault  Manage vaults.
  group  Manage groups.
  user   Manage users.

The complete list of commands:

├─ login
│  ├─ client-credentials
│  ├─ authorization-code
├─ setup
├─ vault
│  ├─ list
│  ├─ create
│  ├─ update
│  ├─ add-user / add-group
│  ├─ remove-user / remove-group
│  ├─ recoverykey
│  ├─ create-template
├─ user
│  ├─ list
├─ group
│  ├─ list


Download native binaries of Cryptomator Hub CLI from https://github.com/cryptomator/hub-cli/releases or clone and build Cryptomator Hub CLI using Maven (instructions below).

Shell completion

Cryptomator Hub CLI supports shell auto-completion for bash and ZSH. To archive this, download the HubCli_completion.sh file from releases and apply it by sourcing, for example.

See https://picocli.info/man/3.x/autocomplete.html#_install_completion_script for more options.



  • GraalVM JDK 21
  • Maven 3
  • System toolchain (see GraalVM docs)

Run Maven

mvn clean install -Pnative

This will build an executable (hub) under target.