
This is the Android device configuration for Sony Xperia XZ1 (yoshino platform).

Primary LanguageMakefile

Device configuration for Sony Xperia XZ1 (poplar)


This repository is for LineageOS 16.0 on Sony Xperia XZ1 (poplar).

How to build LineageOS

  • Make a workspace:

      mkdir -p ~/lineageos/repo
      cd ~/lineageos/repo
  • Initialize the repo:

      repo init -u git://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-15.1
  • Create a local manifest:

      vim .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <!-- SONY -->
          <project name="cryptomilk/android_kernel_sony_msm8998" path="kernel/sony/msm8998" remote="github" />
          <project name="cryptomilk/android_device_sony_common-treble" path="device/sony/common-treble" remote="github" />
          <project name="cryptomilk/android_device_sony_yoshino" path="device/sony/yoshino" remote="github" />
          <project name="cryptomilk/android_device_sony_poplar" path="device/sony/poplar" remote="github" />
          <!-- Pinned blobs for poplar -->
          <project name="cryptomilk/android_vendor_sony_poplar" path="vendor/sony/poplar" remote="github" />
  • Sync the repo:

      repo sync
  • Extract vendor blobs

      cd device/sony/poplar
  • Setup the environment

      source build/envsetup.sh
      lunch lineage_poplar-userdebug
  • Build LineageOS

      make -j8 bacon