
Vim plugin reading modelines from the git config

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim plugin reading modelines from the git config

This project is no longer maintained, use https://editorconfig.org


The plugin applies modelines specified in the git config to the current vim buffer. The plugin works with vim and neovim. To set a modeline in the git config you can do it with the following command:

git config --add vim.modeline "tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab cindent"

To set a format specific modeline (you'll need the filetype plugin on), just define a vim.modeline. git config entry.

Example, C indented with 4 spaces, but Makefile with 8 space tabs:

git config --add vim.modeline-c "ts=4 sw=4 et"
git config --add vim.modeline-make "ts=8 sw=8 noet"

If no filetype specific entry can be found it will use the default modeline.

The allowed modelines are defined in a variable and can be overwritten and extended by setting the following in your .vimrc:

let g:git_modeline_allowed_items = [
            \ "textwidth",   "tw",
            \ "softtabstop", "sts",
            \ "tabstop",     "ts",
            \ "shiftwidth",  "sw",
            \ "expandtab",   "et",   "noexpandtab", "noet",
            \ "filetype",    "ft",
            \ "foldmethod",  "fdm",
            \ "readonly",    "ro",   "noreadonly", "noro",
            \ "rightleft",   "rl",   "norightleft", "norl",
            \ "cindent",     "cin",  "nocindent", "nocin",
            \ "smartindent", "si",   "nosmartindent", "nosi",
            \ "autoindent",  "ai",   "noautoindent", "noai",
            \ "spell",
            \ "spelllang"
            \ ]