a collection of public domain artwork and graphics, where possible, with source files to help others remix and reuse to make slides, handouts and flyers for cryptoparties
- benborgesBarcelona - Paris - Lisbon - Kyiv
- binchick-in
- brewcore@industrialresolution
- chrisquinnr@tkww
- curiousjohn
- dasibcryptoidologyDasibcryptoidology import and export
- dawningsuncryptoparty
- deadblackclover@v128store
- delaneyclark
- elimisteve@RevolutionizeDev
- eternaltyroEarth
- genmaLe Blog de Genma
- gitbenbPlanet Earth
- gszathmariAustralia
- hiirukiHanka Robotics
- iamdexter
- ivavictoriaWisconsin Union
- jhautefeuilleFrance
- krodyx
- martymcguire@adafruit
- nonfunjible
- npdoty@CenDemTech
- samueldibella@CyPurr-Collective
- shanirubIsrael
- stefan2904@IAIK, Graz University of Technology
- strugee@januarytech
- theredrighthandBoss Creative
- weskerfootCanada
- yomikepro
- yzaguirreGuatemala