
Javascript API client library and server to build node.js based applications for the Microtick chain.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Microtick Logo

Microtick API

This API runs as a custom protocol through a single websocket connection between client and server. On the server side, the connection is handled differently depending on the request type:

  • websocket to Tendermint (new block notifications)
  • MongoDB (search, history)
  • REST to Tendermint ABCI query (cosmos queries, transactions)

The server side complexity is hidden from the client app through the protocol which makes it simple to develop Microtick trading bots and market makers.

API System Diagram

API Server

To run the API server, cd into the 'server' directory and execute the following commands (default websocket port is 1320)

$ cd server
$ yarn install
$ node server.js

Client API Documentation


npm install microtick


const API = require('microtick')
const api = new API("http://localhost:1320")  // Assumes the API server is running on port 1320

The first step after creating the api object is to initialize the API with signing keys. You have two choices: either initialize with no keys (in which case a new wallet will be created) or initialize with existing keys (to use a specific wallet address and keys)

Initialization with signing keys

To create a new wallet:

await api.init()
const wallet = api.getWallet()

The returned wallet will contain your address and unencrypted public / private keys. ** You are responsible for encrypting and safely storing your wallet keys **

To reuse an existing wallet:

await api.init(wallet)

where the wallet object is a previously returned object from api.getWallet()

API Function calls


Subscriptions are handled by adding one or more event handler functions. The three types of event handlers are Block events, Tick events and Account events.

Block updates are delivered automatically when the client connects to the API server.

api.addBlockHandler(block => {
    // block is a JSON object { height, time, hash, chainid }

Tick events must be subscribed to. Any number of subscriptions can be active simultaneously.

api.addTickHandler((market, tick) => {
    // market is a string, tick contains the tick data { height, time, consensus }

Account events are delivered automatically. Possible account events are: deposit, withdraw, quote.cancel, quote.create, quote.deposit, quote.update, quote.withdraw, trade.long, trade.short, settle.long, settle.short and settle.finalize.

api.addAccountHandler((key, data) => {
    // Key is th event type, data is the event data
await api.subscribe(market)
  • market - market identifier (ETHUSD, XBTUSD, etc)
await api.unsubscribe(market)
  • market - market identifier (ETHUSD, XBTUSD, etc)
Get Block Info
const block = await api.blockInfo()

returns the current block height and time

Get Block
const block = await api.getBlock(height)
  • height - Tendermint block height
Get Account Info
const info = await api.getAccountInfo(addr)
  • addr - cosmos address of account
Get Market Info
const info = await api.getMarketInfo(market)
  • market - Microtick market name, i.e. "ATOMUSD"
Get Orderbook Info
const info = await api.getOrderbookInfo(market, duration)
  • market - Microtick market name
  • duration - Microtick duration, i.e. ('5minute', '10minute', '15minute', '30minute', '1hour', '2hour', '4hour', '8hour', '12hour', '24hour')
Get Market Spot
const info = await api.getMarketSpot(market)

returns an abbreviated object containing consensus price and overview information on a Microtick market

Get Live Quote
const quote = await api.getLiveQuote(id)
  • id - quote id to fetch
Can Modify
const canModify = await api.canModify(id)
  • id - quote id

returns a boolean value, true if the quote can be modified, false if not. Quotes can not be modified for immediately, there is a settling time that is specified in the genesis block parameters.

Get Live Trade
const trade = await api.getLiveTrade(id)
  • id - trade id to fetch
Get Historical Quote
const quote = await api.getHisoricalQuote(id, startBlock, endBlock)
  • id - quote id to fetch
  • startBlock, endBlock - optional, if supplied startBlock and endBlock specify the range for historical quote updates to be retrieved
Get Historical Trade
const trade = await api.getHistoricalTrade(id)
  • id - trade id to fetch
Account Sync
api.accountSync(startBlock, endBlock)
  • startBlock, endBlock - range of historical account events to sync with, for example a GUI may want the active trades up to the last 12 hours.
Account Ledger
const ledger = api.accountLedger(page, perPage)

Returns an array of ledger entries for an account. Page is the page number to be fetched and perPage is the number of entries per page. Use with api.accountLedgerSize() which returns the total number of account events.

Market History
const history = api.marketHistory(market, startBlock, endBlock, target)
  • market - market id
  • startBlock, endBlock - range to query historical tick data for
  • target - (optional) if supplied, specifies the number of ticks desired. the function will interpolate the results if there are many more ticks than desired.
Create Market
await api.createMarket(market)
  • market - market string, i.e. "ATOMUSD"

Create a new market

Create Quote
const id = await api.createQuote(market, duration, backing, spot, premium)
  • market - market string, i.e. "ATOMUSD"
  • duration - Microtick duration, i.e. ('5minute', '10minute', '15minute', '30minute', '1hour', '2hour', '4hour', '8hour', '12hour', '24hour')
  • backing - token amount, i.e. "10dai"
  • spot - spot value, i.e. "3.5spot
  • premium - option premium requested, i.e. "1premium"

Creates a quote on the requested market, backed by the token amount, with a spot price specified, and the requested premium. Note that the actual premium will be adjusted according to how close the quote is to the current consensus price at the time a trade is made. If the spot price is in the direction of the trade as compared to the consensus price, the premium will be adjusted up, i.e. the market maker will receive more premium than requested (generally a good thing). If the spot price is in the opposite side of the consensus from the direction of the trade, the premium will be adjusted down, i.e. the market maker will receive fewer premium than requested. Premium is paid in dai tokens.

Returns the quote id

Cancel Quote
await api.cancelQuote(id)
  • id - the quote id

Cancels a quote

Deposit Quote
await api.depositQuote(id, amount)
  • id - the quote id
  • amount - amount of tokens to add to the quote's backing, i.e. "2dai"
Withdraw Quote
await api.withdrawQuote(id, amount)
  • id - the quote id
  • amount - amount of tokens to withdraw from the quote's backing, i.e. "2dai"
Update Quote
await api.updateQuote(id, newspot, newpremium)
  • id - the quote id
  • newspot - new spot for the quote (can be 0 for no change). Example: "3.8spot"
  • newpremium - new premium for the quote (can be 0 for no change). Example: "1.2premium"
Market Trade
const id = await api.marketTrade(market, duration, tradetype, quantity)
  • market - market string, i.e. "ATOMUSD"
  • duration - Microtick duration, i.e. ('5minute', '10minute', '15minute', '30minute', '1hour', '2hour', '4hour', '8hour', '12hour', '24hour')
  • tradetype - can be "call" or "put"
  • quantity - quantity to fill

Returns the trade id

Limit Trade
const id = await api.limitTrade(market, duration, tradetype, limit, maxcost)

market - market string, i.e. "ATOMUSD"

  • duration - Microtick duration, i.e. ('5minute', '10minute', '15minute', '30minute', '1hour', '2hour', '4hour', '8hour', '12hour', '24hour')
  • tradetype - can be "call" or "put"
  • limit - max premium you are willing to pay, i.e. "1.1premium" would match any option less than the specifed amount
  • maxcost - max number of tokens, i.e. "1dai". the quantity for the trade will be adjusted so the total cost will be less than what is specified.

Returns the trade id

Settle Trade
await api.settleTrade(id)
  • id - trade id to settle, after the expiration time has been reached.

Anyone can call api.settleTrade(). There is a small commission set aside with each trade to incentivize settling trades. Either counter party to the trade can call this function (espicially if the trade worked in their favor), or independent third parties can call it and collect the settle commission.


To run the wallet example, run './build.sh' from the root directory, then cd into the 'examples' directory and

$ node wallet
Creating wallet
Server connected
account = cosmos1wzt9et3w9cvqus7rwnndad44wnkn90dqu87fm7