
Journal of (Generative) Punk (Pixel) Art - Best of ("Hall of Fame" of) Punk Writing

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Journal of (Generative) Punk (Pixel) Art

Best of ("Hall of Fame" of) Punk Writing

July 2022

Inside The Hair Colors of Punk Pixel Characters / Heads - Are Blonde Punkettes Having More Fun? by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

June 2022

The early history of [Non-Fungible] Tokens, part 4: [24×24px] Game Sprites on the Blockchain: [Matt & John's®] Punks [V1/V2] by Amy Castor and David Gerard (Free Book Chapter Early Access Draft) - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

May 2022

Digital artists' post-bubble hopes for [non-fungible] tokens don't need a blockchain by Molly White - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

Marilyn and Punks and Art, Oh My! by Sean Bonner (Photographer) - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

A [Cryptp Bro & Serial Fraudster] Builder's Journey by Anonymous Azuki's Zagabond - Bonus: Article Review / Commentary

Bored Apes & Monkey Selfies: Copyright & Profile Picture [Non-Fungible] Tokens (PDF Download ~3.1MB), by Alfred 'Dave' Steiner (Meister & Steiner), 14-pages (via SSRN)

February 2022

Are Cryptopunks Copyrightable? (PDF Download ~7.5MB), by Brian L. Frye ( University of Kentucky - College of Law), 21-pages (via SSRN)

November 2021

The 10,000 [pixel punk] faces that launched an non-fungible [art] token revolution by Sandra Upson (Wired)

Oktober 2021

What I learned from building an on-chain ecosystem for CryptoPunks by Anonymous Punk Programmer (Lost Punk Society)

Pixel art HOWTO series - The making of Adam (24x24 pixel punk) from scratch / zero using pixel art designs in the ASCII text format by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

August 2021

Punks - The Free White Label Quick Starter Edition - (Re)create from zero / scratch a pixel-perfect copy of the 10 000 CryptoPunks collection (Anno 2017) by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

Inside the CryptoPunksData contract - Decoding the on-chain assets (11 archetypes and 122 attributes) and color palette for easy (re)use "off-chain" by Gerald Bauer (Crypto Punk's Not Dead)

On-chain Cryptopunks - The Cryptopunk images and their attributes now live on-chain! by Matt Hall and John Watkinson (Larva Labs)

July 2021

Creating a 10 000 [non-fungible] token avatar collection - step-by-step by Jeremy Posvar (Expansion Punks)

April 2021

The Cult of CryptoPunks - Ethereum's 'oldest [non-fungible] token project' may not actually be the first, but it's the wildest by Lucas Matney (Tech Crunch)

Christie's Art Auction House - 10 things to know about CryptoPunks, the original [non-fungible] tokens by Christie's - For the first time, 5,184 pixels' worth of a revolutionary [non-fungible] token project will go up for auction at a traditional auction house, courtesy of the project creators and pioneers themselves

June 2017

This ethereum-based project could change how we think about digital art. Yes, you can actually own these digital creations. by Jason Abbruzzese (Mashable)

January 2012

Who Owns an Avatar?: Copyright, Creativity, and Virtual Worlds (PDF Download ~1.7MB), by Tyler T. Ochoa (Santa Clara University School of Law), 35-pages (via Santa Clara Law Digital Commons)

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the D.I.Y. Punk (Pixel) Art reddit. Thanks.