
Unit Testing framework for PicoLisp

MIT LicenseMIT

Unit Testing framework for PicoLisp

GitHub release Build Status

This library can be used for Unit Testing your PicoLisp code.


Please read EXPLAIN.md to learn more about PicoLisp and this Unit Testing framework.

  1. Requirements
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Examples
  5. Testing
  6. Alternatives
  7. Contributing
  8. License


  • PicoLisp 32-bit or 64-bit v3.1.9+

Getting Started

This is a pure PicoLisp library with no external dependencies. You can either copy unit.l into your project(s), or add it as a git submodule to stay up-to-date (recommended).

Add submodule to your project

  1. git submodule add https://github.com/aw/picolisp-unit vendor/picolisp-unit
  2. Include unit.l in your test file
  3. See the examples below


Here are some guidelines on how to use unit.l, but you're free to poke around the code and use it as you wish.

There exists a few public functions: (execute), (report), and a bunch of (assert-X) where X is a type of assertion.

Note for 64-bit PicoLisp: you can use (symbols 'unit) (or the prefix: unit~).

Note for 32-bit PicoLisp: you don't have access to (symbols), so these functions might clash with existing ones.

  • (execute arg1 ..) Executes arg1 to argN tests
    • arg1 Quoted List: a list of assertions, example '(assert-nil NIL "I AM NIL")
  • (report) Prints a report of failed tests, and exits with 1 if there is a failure
  • (assert-X) Various assertions for testing

Assertions table

Only a few assertions exist for the moment; more can/will be added.

Assertion Arguments Example
(assert-equal) Expected Result Message (assert-equal 0 0 "It must be zero")
(assert-nil) Result Message (assert-nil NIL "It must be NIL")
(assert-t) Result Message (assert-t T "I pity the fool!")
(assert-includes) String List Message (assert-includes "abc" '("def") "It includes abc")
(assert-kind-of) Type Value Message (assert-equal 'Number 42 "The answer..")
(assert-throws) Type Error 'Result Message (assert-throws 'Err "fail" '(throw 'Err "fail") "Throws a fail")

(assert-kind-of) types

There are 5 types currently defined:

  • 'Flag Uses flg? to test if the value is T or NIL.
  • 'String Uses str? to test if the value is a string.
  • 'Number Uses num? to test if a value is a number.
  • 'List Uses lst? to test if a value is a list.
  • 'Atom Uses atom to test if a value is an atom.

Warning: NIL is also list, but will be asserted as a 'Flag when using (assert-kind-of). Use (assert-nil) if you specifically want to know if the value is NIL.


  • Use (execute) at the start of your tests (see examples)
  • Unit Tests are run in RANDOM order.
  • If your tests are order dependent, then you can: (setq *My_tests_are_order_dependent T)
  • Colours and bold text are only displayed if your terminal supports it, and if your system has the tput command.
  • The (assert-includes) function uses sub? to find a substring in a string or list.
  • The (assert-throws) function requires the (throw) to be quoted.


It is recommended to create a "test runner" similar to what's found in test.l.

Tests should be placed in a test/ directory, and the test files should be prefixed with test_.

A simple unit test

pil +

(load "unit.l")

(setq *My_tests_are_order_dependent NIL)

  '(assert-equal 0 0 "(assert-equal) should assert equal values")
  '(assert-nil   NIL "(assert-nil) should assert NIL")
  '(assert-t     T   "(assert-t) should assert T")
  '(assert-includes "abc" '("xyzabcdef")  "(assert-includes) should assert includes")
  '(assert-kind-of  'Flag NIL  "(assert-kind-of) should assert a Flag (NIL)")
  '(assert-kind-of  'Flag T    "(assert-kind-of) should assert a Flag (T)")
  '(assert-kind-of  'String "picolisp"  "(assert-kind-of) should assert a String")
  '(assert-kind-of  'Number 42  "(assert-kind-of) should assert a Number")
  '(assert-kind-of  'List (1 2 3 4)  "(assert-kind-of) should assert a List")
  '(assert-kind-of  'Atom 'atom  "(assert-kind-of) should assert a Atom") ]

# output

  1) ✓  (assert-kind-of) should assert a List
  2) ✓  (assert-kind-of) should assert a Flag (T)
  3) ✓  (assert-includes) should assert includes
  4) ✓  (assert-t) should assert T
  5) ✓  (assert-kind-of) should assert a Number
  6) ✓  (assert-nil) should assert NIL
  7) ✓  (assert-equal) should assert equal values
  8) ✓  (assert-kind-of) should assert a Flag (NIL)
  9) ✓  (assert-kind-of) should assert a Atom
 10) ✓  (assert-kind-of) should assert a String

-> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

When tests fail

pil +

(load "unit.l")

  '(assert-equal 0 1 "(assert-equal) should assert equal values")
  '(assert-nil   NIL "(assert-nil) should assert NIL")
  '(assert-t     NIL   "(assert-t) should assert T")
  '(assert-includes "abc" '("hello")  "(assert-includes) should assert includes")
  '(assert-kind-of  'Flag "abc"  "(assert-kind-of) should assert a Flag (NIL)") ]


# output

  1) ✓  (assert-nil) should assert NIL
  2) ✕  (assert-kind-of) should assert a Flag (NIL)
  3) ✕  (assert-includes) should assert includes
  4) ✕  (assert-t) should assert T
  5) ✕  (assert-equal) should assert equal values

-> ----
1 test passed, 4 tests failed

  Failed tests: 

  - 2)  (assert-kind-of) should assert a Flag (NIL)
        Expected: "abc should be of type Flag"
          Actual: String

  - 3)  (assert-includes) should assert includes
        Expected: "abc in hello"
          Actual: "abc"

  - 4)  (assert-t) should assert T
        Expected: T
          Actual: NIL

  - 5)  (assert-equal) should assert equal values
        Expected: 0
          Actual: 1


This library has its own set of tests. You can use those as examples as well. To run them type:



The alternative approaches to testing in PicoLisp involve the use of test and assert.


If you find any bugs or issues, please create an issue.

If you want to improve this library, please make a pull-request.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2015 Alexander Williams, Unscramble license@unscramble.jp