
🤖 (AI) Machine Learning Python App using basic intents

Primary LanguagePython


This is an artificial intelligence that uses NLTK, PyTorch & Numpy tools in it's code.


Read the setup.sh file and make sure that the part of the script that installs & setups PyTorch and Python VEnv is either commented or uncommented to your preferred choice (i.e. comment it if you don't want it to run and vice versa).

setup.sh Run Down

  • Sets up PyTorch's folder
  • Installs Python Virtual Env (VEnv)
  • Downloads & Activates PyTorch & Torchvision & Deactivates
  • Goes to ~/AI folder (default folder of the code)
  • Activates PyTorch Environment
  • Installs Dependencies
    • NLTK, PyTorch & Numpy
  • Downloads punkt from nltk package
    • using Python3 CLI -c option
  • Trains AI
    • (converts intents.json into data.pth)
  • Runs AI

Inspired by python-engineer & Refactored code by cryptosbyte