
A Yojson codec generator for OCaml >= 4.02.

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

[@@deriving yojson]

deriving Yojson is a ppx_deriving plugin that generates JSON serializers and deserializes that use the Yojson library from an OCaml type definition.

Sponsored by Evil Martians.


deriving Yojson can be installed via OPAM:

$ opam install ppx_deriving_yojson


In order to use deriving yojson, require the package ppx_deriving_yojson.


deriving yojson generates two functions per type:

# #require "ppx_deriving";;
# type ty = .. [@@deriving yojson];;
val ty_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (ty, string) Result.result
val ty_to_yojson : ty -> Yojson.Safe.json

When the deserializing function returns `Error loc, loc points to the point in the JSON hierarchy where the error has occurred.

It is possible to generate only serializing or deserializing functions by using [@@deriving to_yojson] or [@@deriving of_yojson]. It is also possible to generate an expression for serializing or deserializing a type by using [%to_yojson:] or [%of_yojson:]; non-conflicting versions [%derive.to_yojson:] or [%derive.of_yojson:] are available as well.

If the type is called t, the functions generated are {of,to}_yojson instead of t_{of,to}_yojson.


deriving yojson handles tuples, records, normal and polymorphic variants; builtin types: int, int32, int64, nativeint, float, bool, char, string, bytes, ref, list, array, option and their Mod.t aliases.

The following table summarizes the correspondence between OCaml types and JSON values:

OCaml type JSON value Remarks
int, int32, float Number
int64, nativeint Number Can exceed range of double
bool Boolean
string, bytes String
char String Strictly one character in length
list, array Array
ref 'a
option Null or 'a
A record Object
Yojson.Safe.json any Identity transformation

Variants (regular and polymorphic) are represented using arrays; the first element is a string with the name of the constructor, the rest are the arguments. Note that the implicit tuple in a polymorphic variant is flattened. For example:

# type pvs = [ `A | `B of int | `C of int * string ] list [@@deriving yojson];;
# type v = A | B of int | C of int * string [@@deriving yojson];;
# type vs = v list [@@deriving yojson];;
# print_endline (Yojson.Safe.to_string (vs_to_yojson [A; B 42; C (42, "foo")]));;
# print_endline (Yojson.Safe.to_string (pvs_to_yojson [`A; `B 42; `C (42, "foo")]));;

By default, objects are deserialized strictly; that is, all keys in the object have to correspond to fields of the record. Passing strict = false as an option to the deriver (i.e. [@@deriving yojson { strict = false }]) changes the behavior to ignore any unknown fields.


Option attribute names may be prefixed with yojson. to avoid conflicts with other derivers.


If the JSON object keys differ from OCaml conventions, lexical or otherwise, it is possible to specify the corresponding JSON key implicitly using [@key "field"], e.g.:

type geo = {
  lat : float [@key "Latitude"];
  lon : float [@key "Longitude"];
[@@deriving yojson]


If the JSON variant names differ from OCaml conventions, it is possible to specify the corresponding JSON string explicitly using [@name "constr"], e.g.:

type units =
| Metric   [@name "metric"]
| Imperial [@name "imperial"]
[@@deriving yojson]


Very large int64 and nativeint numbers can wrap when decoded in a runtime which represents all numbers using double-precision floating point, e.g. JavaScript and Lua. It is possible to specify the [@encoding `string] attribute to encode them as strings.


It is possible to specify a default value for fields that can be missing from the JSON object, e.g.:

type pagination = {
  pages   : int;
  current : (int [@default 0]);
} [@@deriving yojson]

Fields with default values are not required to be present in inputs and will not be emitted in outputs.


deriving yojson is distributed under the terms of MIT license.