
Python script for gathering data from an API with information about countries, and send this data formatted to a digester.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Python 3.6
  • requests library

Requirements beyond Python are tracked in requirements.txt for installation via pip:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt



Sane default configuration is provided in the self-documenting default_config.py.

The configuration may be overwritten via the following files, in order from lowest to highest priority:

  • /etc/restcountries_config.py
  • .restcountries_config.py in the User's home directory
  • restcountries_config.py in the current directory

Minimum Configuration

There is not specific configuration needed to run the script since it gather all the data from the API endpoint.


Just run the script:

$ python3 restcountries.py

All command line parameters are optional and override the self-documenting variables of the same name in the config file.

An overview can be found in the help screen:

usage: restcountries.py [-h] [-u AUTH_USER] [-p AUTH_PASS] [-U USERNAME]
                    [-P API_PATH] [-i INGESTER] [-I] [-l LIMIT] [-r RETRIES]
                    [-t TIMEOUT] [-c] [-C] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u AUTH_USER, --auth-user AUTH_USER
                        username for authentication
  -p AUTH_PASS, --auth-pass AUTH_PASS
                        password for authentication
  -U USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        username to scan
  -P API_PATH, --api-path API_PATH
                        base URL of Bitbucket API
  -i INGESTER, --ingester INGESTER
                        address of ingester instance
  -I, --ingester-off    do not write to ingester
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        maximum number of commits per branch
  -r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES
                        number of retries per request (including first try)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        request timeout in seconds
  -c, --cache-on        enable caching
  -C, --cache-off       disable caching
  -v, --verbose         write data to stdout

Data Structure

The structure is taken from restcountries.eu as is, and arrangend as follows:

    "name": <name data>,
    "capital": <capital data>,
    "currencies": [
        <courrencie data>,
        <courrencie data>,
    "regionalBlocs": [
        <regionalBloc data>,
    "region": <region data>