
This application is a simple bank account implementation. An account able to withdraw money and transfer money to another account. The transfer can be with debit card or credit card. If a credit card is used, extra %1 transaction fee is charged. An account can linked with a credit card or bank account.

Primary LanguageJava


CircleCI Coverage Code Lines Of Code Technical Debit

This application is a simple bank account implementation. An account able to withdraw money and transfer money to another account. The transfer can be with debit card or credit card. If a credit card is used, extra %1 transaction fee is charged. An account can linked with a credit card or bank account.


  • It should be possible to transfer and withdraw money from an account. It is possible to pay with either debit card or credit card. If a transfer/withdraw is done with a credit card, 1% of the amount is charged extra. Use design patterns where applicable and write some test cases as well.
    • TransferControllerIT and WithdrawControllerIT is created to test the requirement. And also fee amount totalAmount beforeBalance afterBalance fields are visible to see the amount changes by a transaction in transaction_history
  • A negative balance is not possible
    • InsufficientBalanceException created to manage negative or possible negative balances
  • Account should contain at least some user details, card details and current balance
    • All models are placed in com.rabobank.bankaccountmanager.domain package
  • One rest endpoint to see current available balance in all accounts
    • BankAccountController.getAllBalances and BankAccountController.getBalance
  • One rest endpoint to withdraw money
    • WithdrawController.withdraw
  • One rest endpoint to transfer money
    • TransferController.transfer
  • One credit card or debit card is linked with one account
    • See the @OneToOne relation on database
  • It should be able to audit transfers or withdrawals
    • updatedAt and createdAt fields placed in all tables. Also transaction_history table is created to keep all changes.


  • JDK1.8
  • gradle
  • docker
  • docker-compose


  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Async
  • Hibernate/JPA
  • Postgresql
  • Lombok
  • Flyway
  • Swagger
  • Test Containers
  • pojo-tester


find all endpoint details: api-docs after running application

API view on Swagger


The unit and integration test package is same. The name of the unit test classes ends with Test; The name of the integration test class ends with 'IT'.

93 test cases are created to test all cases.

Run the command to run all tests:

gradle test
  • Line coverage: %99 (406/410)
  • Case coverage: %100

unit tests

pojo-tester is used to automate model/dto tests. All related tests under domain package.

testImplementation 'pl.pojo:pojo-tester:0.7.6'

integration tests

testcontainers and postgresql docker is used in integration test. First of all, it is creating a docker container environment to execute integration tests. That's why, It waits at the beginning.

    testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:testcontainers:1.11.4'
    testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:postgresql:1.11.4'

All integration tests run with test spring profile. The profile inserts test data to database.


gradle clean build

run on docker

to build:

docker-compose build

to run;

docker-compose up -d

to stop:

docker-compose down