Python binding for web-rwkv.


  • Basic V5 inference support
  • Support V4, V5, V6 and V7
  • Batched inference


  1. Install python and rust.

  2. Install maturin by

    $ pip install maturin
  3. Build and install:

    $ maturin develop --release
  4. Try using web-rwkv in python:

    import web_rwkv_py as wrp
    model = wrp.Model(
       "/path/to/model.st", # model path
       quant=0,             # int8 quantization layers
       quant_nf4=0,         # nf4 quantization layers
       quant_sf4=0,         # sf4 quantization layers
    logits = model.run([114, 514])

Advanced Usage

  1. Get, clone and load current state:

    logits = model.run([114, 514])
    state = model.back_state(wrp.StateDevice.Gpu)
    # state = model.back_state(wrp.StateDevice.Cpu)
    state_cloned = state.deep_clone()
    logits = model.run([1919, 810])
  2. Return predictions of all tokens (not only the last's):

    logits, state = model.run_full([114, 514, 1919, 810], state=None)
    assert(len(logits) == 4)