- 0
Heredoc freezes Github editor
#32 opened by faustinoaq - 1
Missing/invalid keyword highlights
#33 opened by devnote-dev - 0
Arguments after a HEREDOC are not highlighted
#29 opened by dscottboggs - 2
Large file freezes editor
#31 opened by AlexWayfer - 0
Union keyword is not highlighted
#24 opened by unn4m3d - 0
Pipeline to build in TextMate Format
#25 opened by keplersj - 0
Incorrect highlighting for function arguments
#15 opened by N0r1x - 1
Operators, block arguments not highlighted
#18 opened by ron-wolf - 1
- 0
- 0
underscores in decimals don't highlight correctly
#11 opened by trosel - 2
Add support for annotation keyword
#26 opened by straight-shoota - 1
abstract struct is not highlighted
#19 opened by travishaynes - 3
Highlighting issue with `?` methods?
#3 opened by rmosolgo