
5 degree-of-freedom glider model (3 coordinates, pitch and roll)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is it

Small console utility for predicting fligt dynamics of unpowered glider 5 dof (3 coordinates + pitch + roll)

Example of initial data:

node index state=225,0,0,0,0,15,14500,0,0,0 pitch=0 roll=0 tMax=10 dT=0.001 resSparse=50 Where:

  1. state - vector of initial trajectory params
  2. pitch - initial deflection of elevator
  3. roll - initial deflection of ailerons
  4. tMax - time of modelling interval
  5. dT - integration step
  6. resSparse - inerval between two points in result output

state vector layout

state layout - V, Th, Psi, epsZ, epsX, X, Y, Z, alpha, gamma

result layout

t, ...state layout, angle of elevator defletion, angle of aileron deflection