
This is a collection of modified FTDI/Bridgetek examples for use with Crystalfontz EVE2 accelerated display modules.

Primary LanguageC++

Crystalfontz FTDI EVE2 Arduino Examples

This is a collection of modified FTDI/Bridgetek EVE Examples for use with Crystalfontz EVE2 accelerated display modules/kits.
The kits include a Crystalfontz EVE2 display module, a Crystalfontz CFA10098 breakout board, a Seeeduino v4.x and required cables.

Information on the Crystalfontz CFAF800480E0-050SC-A1-2 kit may be found here.

Getting Started

See the "Getting Started" PDF located in this repository for a guide on powering-up your Crystalfontz EVE2 display kit.

Running some of the examples requires connection of an extra (not supplied in the kit) microSD card reader & SD card (more information below).

Running an Example

  • Download the examples from here to your PC
  • Connect the display kit as in the "Getting Started" PDF
  • Power on the LCD module with a 3.3v supply first
  • Connect the Seeeduino to your PC with a USB cable
  • Run the Arduino software, and load one of the project INO files.
  • Copy the files from the associated sd_contents directory (if it exists, otherwise this step is not required) to a microSD card, and insert it into the microSD card reader attached to the Seeeduino.
  • Compile and upload the firmware to the Seeeduino

On completion of uploading complied firmware, the display should light, show a touch-screen calibration screen, and then proceed to the example.

microSD Card Reader Connection

Some of of the examples use data stored on a microSD card. As the Seeeduino does not have a microSD slot, one must be provided by the user. The easiest way of doing so is by using a 3.3 volt microSD breakout board (make sure it does not have 5v level-shifters) connected to the Seeeduino using jumper wires. An example microSD breakout board can be found here.

Connection is as follows:

  • microSD 3.3V -> Seeeduino 3.3V
  • microSD GND -> Seeeduino GND
  • microSD SCLK -> Seeeduino pin 13
  • microSD MISO -> Seeeduino pin 12
  • microSD MOSI -> Seeeduino pin 11
  • microSD CS/SS -> Seeeduino pin 10

Further Information

For further information see