CART 315 Exploration Prototype 1

Design Hypothesis

By presenting to the player a simple instruction without much guidance to build a path, I believe that they can collect all the floating coins. So if I provide them the option to generate an unlimited amount of blocks, then the player will be able to create a path to go collect the coins. With the creative freedom the player will be given to build their path, will the user try to pick up all the coins or will they give up on the coins that are higher up?

List of questions for playtesters

  1. Was the only instruction too vague? Were you confused and did not know what to do?
  2. What was the goal of this prototype?
  3. Was it easy to complete the goal?
  4. Did you decide to ignore the coins and build something with the blocks? If so, what did you build?
  5. Did you stack the block to make your way up or did you try to build a structure to reach the coins? (flexible question)
  6. What do you think about the option of not being able to break the block?
  7. Was it enjoyable? What did you enjoy or didn't enjoy about the prototype?