
Sample application for https://github.com/crysxd/CameraX-Object-Tracking

Primary LanguageKotlin


This is a running sample application for my Medium article about object detection and tracking with Android and Firebase ML Kit. The app builds upon a small library which I published (https://github.com/crysxd/CameraX-Object-Tracking) and only includes a bare configuration of the library and the Firebase ML Kit implementation to detect fashion goods (test it with shoes!).

Medium Article: https://medium.com/@cwurthner/googles-adidas-shoe-finder-explored-ml-product-search-part-1-5afed3908df8 (App is in Part 3)
Youtube Video of the app: https://youtu.be/ME9iE0CYHeY

Bring this app to live

This app works but requires a Firebase project to compile. I do not include my project cpnfiguration in the sources. In order to compile this, you need to:

  • Create a Firebase project
  • Add an app in the Firebase console
  • Download the google-service.json and past it into the app folder