
A collection of solidity smart contracts to help manage the ApeSwap DAO.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ApeSwap Governance SDK

Useful SDK for encoding transactions sent to timelock contracts used in the ApeSwap protocol. These timelock contracts are Open Zeppelin's implementation which integrates very well with DAO governance mechanisms.


Click "Use as Template" to create a repo on GitHub based on this repo. Otherwise:
git clone git@github.com:DeFiFoFum/truffle-typescript-template.git

yarn install


Create a .env file based off of .env.example to deploy contracts to bsc mainnet/testnet and to verify deployed contracts.

Package Install

This repo also provides a helper module for interacting with the ApeSwap Governance contracts with node via a front-end or back-end framework.

yarn add @ape.swap/governance-sdk
cd governance-sdk
yarn install


Provided below is an example of importing the and using the provided library to encode a batch timelock tx.

import { TimelockLib } from '@ape.swap/governance-sdk';
const timelockEncoder = new TimelockLib.TimelockEncoder();

async function encodeMessageTx(message: string, { address = ADDRESS_0 }): Promise<PopulatedTransaction> {
    const messageBoardContract = new Contract(address, MessageBoardBuild.abi) as MessageBoard;
    const populatedTx = await messageBoardContract.populateTransaction.addMessage(message);
    return populatedTx;

async function encodeBatchTimelockMessageTx(messages: string[], { timelockAddress = ADDRESS_0, messageBoardAddress = ADDRESS_0, predecessor = BYTES_32_0, salt = BYTES_32_0, delay = 20 }): Promise<BatchEncodeReturn> {
    const timelockEncoder = new TimelockEncoder(timelockAddress);

    const targets: string[] = [];
    const datas: string[] = [];
    const values: string[] = [];
    for (const message of messages) {
        const populatedTx = await encodeMessageTx(message, { address: messageBoardAddress });
        targets.push(populatedTx.to || '0x');
        datas.push(populatedTx.data || '0x');

    return await timelockEncoder.encodeTxsForBatchOperation({ targets, values, datas, predecessor, salt }, delay);


Start a local development blockchain by running the following command:
yarn ganache

Deploy contracts to the development blockchain:
yarn migrate:dev


yarn compile



yarn migrate:bsc [--reset] // Use --reset to redeploy already deployed contracts
yarn verify:bsc


yarn migrate:testnet [--reset]
yarn verify:testnet

* new contracts that are created must be added to the verification script in package.json by adding && to the end with the new contract verification.


Lint with solhint
yarn lint / yarn lint:fix


Tests are run with @openzeppelin test environment. This allows tests to be run independently of an external development blockchain.

Test the project with yarn test

Tests are using

Solidity Doc Gen

yarn gen:docs solidity-docgen can be used in this repo to scrape NatSpec comments into markdown files for easy document generation.

This module uses the solc package to generate the documents. If the compiler is changed, ensure that the correct solc version is installed: yarn add solc@0.8.7

Solidity Coverage

solidity-coverage is used in this repo to provide an output of the test coverage after running tests.

Automated Tests

The OpenZeppelin test environment coupled with Github actions facilitates automated contract tests on pushes to GitHub!

Generate Types from Contracts

Use typechain to generate contract interfaces for UI integration.
yarn gen:types

Contract Size

Use the truffle-contract-size module to find the size of each contract in the contracts/ directory with:
yarn size