
recitation notes for eecs 111, fall 2016

Primary LanguageRacket

EECS 111

I will be out of town and unable to make office hours on Thursday, 11/17.

These are recitation notes for EECS 111, Fall 2016 at Northwestern University. Notes are not comprehensive, and generally only posted for particularly important or confusing topics.

Recitation is held every Sunday at 7:00pm in Tech LR4. It is entirely optional, directed at first-time programmers, and structured as a mini-lecture with ample time for questions.


Date Topics .rkt
October 2 Program Evaluation, Types, Function Signatures
October 9 Lambda, local, Conditionals .rkt file
October 16 Structs, Lists, map and filter, Lambda Abstractions .rkt file
October 23 Quiz 1 Review .rkt file or view online
October 30 Recursion .rkt file or view online
November 6 Imperative Programming .rkt file or view online


If you have questions about anything in these notes, contact Sarah Lim (slim [punctuation] u.northwestern [punctuation] edu).

Accessibility is a priority for recitation and these notes. If you need an accommodation, don't hesitate to send an email.

My office hours are 2:00-3:00pm in the Ford 2nd Floor Lounge (southeast corner of the building), or by appointment.