
ACE Toolkit Workspace for sample application

Primary LanguageDockerfile


ACE Toolkit Workspace for sample application

Creating a workspace folder from IBM App Connect Enterprise

  1. Set up your base workspace folder at Enterprise startup

  1. Create a new REST API

  1. Set up your project name. See the warning below about naming convention.

  1. Import the API via a json file. The one shown is from swagger.

  1. Once the JSON is imported, click on the create subflow button.

  1. Since we created this project with a JSON file, we can, in this step, invoke a rest operation based on the json file embedded in the project.

  1. This is where the embedded file should be kept.

  1. Once we select the embedded json, we select the action we want to invoke for the subflow. In this case, it is the get operation for the inventory.

  1. Click on RESTRequest under the REST tab and drag it onto the main window.

  1. Connect the input to the input of the get action icon and connect the output tab of the action to the output.

  1. For the action icon properties, set the Base URL Override to the base url set for the inventory.

### Warning:
When creating the project name, please use only lowercase letters and dashes only. Failure to do so will result in an unsuccessful deployment of the ace server.

3. Click on the link to the newly executed PipelineRun and monitor the status.  You can also run `oc get pods -w` in the <project> to view the status of the pods.

Webhook Toolchain test 1 a 3rd change