
Deploy OpenShift 4.3 and later using static IP addresses for master and worker nodes. Will create a helper node with a webserver to serve ignition files, haproxy for loadbalancing, and DNS for internal cluster name resolution. It will upload the OpenShift Bare Metal BIOS file and ignition files to the websever root, and will create a bootable ISO for each node with static IP configuration and ignition parameters already set.


  1. DNS needs to be configured ahead of time
    • If you're using the helper vm for internal DNS, the only external DNS entries required are:
      • api.cluster_id.domain.com
      • *.apps.cluster_id.domain.com
    • Point both of those DNS A or CNAME records to the public IP address of the helper vm.

Installation Process

$ git clone https://github.com/ncolon/terraform-openshift4-vmware
$ cd terraform-openshift4-vmware

Update your terraform.tfvars with your environment values. See terraform.tfvars.example

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

terraform variables

Variable Description Type Default
vsphere_server FQDN or IP Address of your vSphere Server string -
vsphere_username vSphere username string -
vsphere_password vSphere password string -
vsphere_allow_insecure Allow vSphere self-signed certs string 1
vsphere_datacenter vSphere Datacenter where OpenShift will be deployed string -
vsphere_cluster vSphere Cluster where OpenShift will be deployed string -
vsphere_image_datastore vSphere Datastore where bootable ISOS will be stored string -
vsphere_image_datastore_path vSphere Datastore path where bootable isos will be stored string -
vsphere_node_datastore vSphere Datastore for OpenShift nodes string -
vsphere_private_network vSphere private Network for OpenShift nodes string -
vsphere_public_network vSphere public Network for OpenShift nodes string -
vsphere_folder vSphere Folder where VMs will be deployed into string -
vsphere_resource_pool vSphere Resource Pool where VMs will be deployed into string -
preexisting_resource_pool Indicates whether vSphere Resource Pool already exists bool false
binaries map with URLs for openshift components map See terraform.tfvars.example
openshift_base_domain Base domain for your OpenShift Cluster string -
openshift_cluster_id Name of your OpenShift cluster. Cluster will be reachable at api.$openshift_cluster_id.$openshift_base_domain. string -
openshift_pull_secret Path to your OpenShift pull secret. Download from https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/install/vsphere/user-provisioned string -
openshift_cluster_cidr The IP address pools for pods string
openshift_service_cidr CIDR for services in the OpenShift SDN string
openshift_host_prefix The prefix size to allocate to each node from the CIDR. For example, 24 would allocate 2^8=256 adresses to each node. string 23
private_network_gateway Network Gateway for OpenShift Nodes string -
private_network_netmask Network Mask for OpenShift Nodes in numerical form string -
public_network_gateway Network Gateway for OpenShift Nodes string -
public_network_netmask Network Mask for OpenShift Nodes in numerical form string -
public_network_nameservers Nameservers for OpenShift Nodes list
coreos_network_device Device Interface Name for CoreOS Nodes string ens192
helper Map with cpu, memory, disk (etc.) configuration for helper node map See terraform.tfvars.example
helper_public_ip Public IP address of Helper VM string -
herlper_private_ip Private IP addrress of Helper VM string -
bootstrap Map with cpu, memory, disk (etc.) configuration for bootstrap node map See terraform.tfvars.example
bootstrap_hostname Hostname of bootstrap server string -
bootstrap_ip IP Address of bootstrap serevr string -
master Map with cpu, memory, disk (etc.) configuration for Master Nodes map See terraform.tfvars.example
master_hostnames Hostnames of Control Plane Nodes list -
master_ips IP Addresses of Control Plane Nodes list -
worker Map with cpu, memory, disk (etc.) configuration for Worker Nodes map See terraform.tfvars.example
worker_hostnames Hostnames of Worker Nodes list -
worker_ips IP Addresses of Worker Nodes list -
storage Map with cpu, memory, disk (etc.) configuration for Storage Node map See terraform.tfvars.example
storage_hostnames Hostnames of Storage Nodes list -
storage_ips IP Addresses of Storage Nodes list -
use_helper_for_node_dns Use the helper VM as DNS for your cluster bool true