
server-amercede-czhan157 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava

GETTING STARTED: You must start from some combination of the CSV Sprint code that you and your partner ended up with. Please move your code directly into this repository so that the pom.xml, /src folder, etc, are all at this base directory.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to run the server, run mvn package in your terminal then ./run (using Git Bash for Windows users). This will be the same as the first Sprint. Take notice when transferring this run sprint to your Sprint 2 implementation that the path of your Server class matches the path specified in the run script. Currently, it is set to execute Server at edu/brown/cs/student/main/server/Server. Running through terminal will save a lot of computer resources (IntelliJ is pretty intensive!) in future sprints.

Project Details

Project name: CSV Team members and contributions: amercede - Alexandra Mercedes-Santos czhan157 - Caroline Zhang Total estimated time it took to complete project: 26 hours A link to your repo: https://github.com/cs0320-s24/server-amercede-czhan157

Design Choices

Explain the relationships between classes/interfaces:
    The developer can input a file path to a CSV and then use LoadCSV, SearchCSV, and ViewCSV to obtain information relevant to the inputted CSVs. The CSVs must be loaded through LoadCSV prior to any API call to SearchCSV or ViewCSV. These endpoints use the CSVParser and CSVSearchUtility from the last sprint.

    The CSV-specific classes also throw various error messages informing the user if something goes awry. We also created corresponding ENUMs to make these error messages more concise. 
    We decided to make out main running folder in our server folder titled Server. This would call the
    handlers of each function of the server and set up the server to run. In this Folder is the broadbandhandler,
    which is called by the Server to handle the broadband side of things.
    In the common folder we handle minor technical things like exceptions, records and objects to help other files run.
    In the csv folder we have our csv handlers: loadcsv, searchcsv, and viewcsv, which handle the functionality and
    response to queries to those endpoints.
    The datasource folder contains all the classes that are needed to get the broadband percent including some helper
    classes like StateCodes, CountyCodes and BroadbandPercent to help with the broadband functionality.
    The parser class contains the functionality needed for the csv handlers. Including parsing and searching.

Discuss any specific data structures you used, why you created it, and other high level explanations.
We used List of List of Strings many times instead of a hashmap, because we thought it would be good to
    help us more easily work with json and in the event of caching help us save some memory, instead of working
    with a list of objects.
We created data structures to store the responses from requests to the CSV endpoints. These classes store the response type, and relevant information to the response. We also created several Exception classes to thoroughly check for any malformed inputs. 


We don't quite have the broadband percent know how to handle instances where the state code or county code
is not found. We also have limits in our program due to some counties not being counted, due to their small


Explain the testing suites that you implemented for your program and how each test ensures that a part of the program works. In TestCountyCodes, TestStateCodes and TestBroadbandPercent we have the testing suite run some cases where the input is null or the query theoretically could be null. We also compare some expected lists of sample inputs and run them with the expected outputs We test that LoadCSV returns an informative error message when given improper inputs, and returns a success code upon valid inputs. We test that ViewCSV properly retrieves relevant information from the CSV for viewing, provided that a valid CSV has already been loaded. In any other case, we assert that the proper error reponse is given. In SearchCSV, we test to make sure that it only returns a successful response if the CSV has already been loaded, and if all queries are present and valid. We check to ensure proper handling of non-valid inputs. We have both unit tests and integration tests for both CSV and Broadband functionality.

How to

Run the tests you wrote/were provided In TestCountyCodes and TestBroadbandPercent you would need to put a valid statecode and countycode and know what the expected output would be.

    Our entire test suite can be automatically run by compiling vs mvn package.
Build and run your program
    Call the server class in the the server folder. Use queries like this one with the proper endpoints:
    Acceptable endpoints are: census, loadcsv, searchcsv, viewcsv
    You would then put the proper queries like statename or filepath

Note that to run TestBroadBandWebAPI.java, you must start the server first, and then test. Running mvn package without the TestBroadBandWebAPI commented out will result in error.