Chefmoji is a synchronized multiplayer web-based game where pairs of players collaborate to serve plated meals. After logging in, users can either create a new game or join an existing one. In games, players navigate a 2D map comprised entirely of emoji, follow recipes to cook various emoji dishes, and rack up points with each successfully completed meal.
Chefmoji is an application developed by Team Sixth Sense. Visit in Google Chrome on your laptop or desktop computer to start playing!
Ensure you are upgraded to macOS Catalina to have the most updated emoji support.
You will need to clone this repository then run some commands in the Makefile. Using a command window, navigate to an empty directory on your computer and run the following commands. Note that you will need 2 .env files and a .pem file to build the project, which can be obtained from the original developers. (However, these files are TOP SECRET and we probably won't give them to you. Sorry.)
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
make install
make build-base
make prod
View the live site on localhost:8080.
Go to, where you will be greeted by the login page. Click sign up
, and enter in a unique player ID, a strong password, and a valid email address. Click make my account!
to register this information with Chefmoji. Once you've successfully registered an account, a verification link will be sent to your email address.
Now is a good time to pull out your smart device of choice and download Google Authenticator, Duo Mobile, Authy, or any other authentication app (we recommend using Google Authenticator). This will be used for multi-factor authentication.
Head over to your email inbox and open the email sent from Chefmoji. When you click the verification link, you will be routed to a page where you can either scan the given QR code using your authenticator app or manually type the code into the app. After this, you're all set to log in!
Go to, and enter in your player ID and password. Complete the recaptcha, then pull up your authenticator app and enter the 6-digit code into the login form. Finally, click log in
. If the information you entered was correct, you will be redirected to a simple dashboard where you can create or join games.
Click create game
to make a new game, where you'll be given a game code that others can use to join your game. Or get a join code from a friend, enter it into the input field, and click join game
. Once everyone is ready, the game creator can start the game from their machine. Note that we currently only support up to 2 players per game.