
Lecture slides for CS 2043.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT


Lecture slides for CS 2043. This repository has been designed to accompany the course website in the form of a git submodule.

Acquiring the Slides

All you need to do is git clone this repository, the up to date pdf's are all being tracked. When I add a new lecture or make changes to an existing one, you will receive these via a git pull, and you are done!

Slide Color / Animation Options

There are four branches of this repository you can use. After you git clone and cd lecture-slides, you can:

  1. Remain on the master branch (where you will be with git clone) to have the dark-background animated slides I present during class.
  2. Switch to the dark_slides_handout branch (git checkout dark_slides_handout) to have the dark-background un-animated slides, which may be easier for you to take notes on / read through when working on assignments.
  3. Switch to the light_slides branch (git checkout light_slides) to have the light-background animated slides alternate.
  4. Switch to the light_slides_handout branch (git checkout light_slides_handout) to have the light-background un-animated slides, which may be easier for you to take notes on / read through when working on assignments.

Recall that you can identify which branch you are on with git branch -a.

Building the Slides

Is a bit more involved. At a high level, the items you will need are

  • XeLaTeX
  • The Beamer-Metropolis theme. You should be able to install either using the CTAN package, or from the source.
    • CTAN package: here
    • Source Code: here
    • Review the README instructions on the source code page regardless of how you install it!
  • The Mozilla Fira Sans font. Note that at this time, even if you have the fira tex package, you must install from source.
    • Source Code: here
    • Effectively, all you need is all of the files in the otf folder, and to put them in a location where your OS knows to look for fonts.
      • On Linux
        • I made the directory /usr/share/fonts/mozilla-FiraSans/
      • On OSX (note: only available for current user...you could put it in /Library (no ~), but I would suggest not playing around down there.
        • I made the directory ~/Library/Fonts/mozilla-FiraSans/
      • For both: copy all of the *.otf files from the Fira repositories' otf folder into the directory you just made. Do not rename the files!
  • The DejaVuSansMono font (should be there with any *TeX installation).
  • The minted package for *TeX.
  • I used the monokai code listings color scheme. If you execute pygmentize -L and do not have monokai two options:
    • Change the \usemintedstyle{monokai} line in common-header.input to one that you do have (or just delete the line), or
    • Update pygmentize e.g. with sudo pip3 install --upgrade pygments

Contributions are welcome in the form of Pull Requests.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.