
Plugin to export and update assets for Facebook's Origami prototyping tool, based on sketch-framer


Export for Origami

Exports and updates Sketch assets for Facebook's Origami prototyping toolkit for Quartz Composer, adapted from sketch-framer.


You can Download Zip to the right and double-click on the .sketchplugin file to install.

How it works

Watch video tutorial

This plugin takes all visible layers, in or out of artboards, and exports them into a temp directory for easy drag & drop into Origami (More info below). As you make changes and work back and forth between Sketch and Origami, run the plugin again and see it updated live with the Live Image patch.

Hit Control + Command + Option + O to run the plugin, and it will first prompt you for the export scale (e.g. if you're working @2x already, the default of 1x export scale will export @2x).

All groups and layers appended with + will become an individual PNG, sorted into folders with their containing artboard names.

More info

  • Drag an image from the exported folder, while holding Command + Option to automatically create Live Image patches with the paths to the assets:

  • Append a group name with * to flatten all subgroups within (note: you do not need to flatten groups that do not have subgroups, as layers will automatically fold into the containing group)

  • Append a layer name with + to become its own file

  • Append a group or layer name with - to skip the layer

  • Exports are stored in Sketch's temp directory due to sandboxing. You can access the directory by hitting Plugins > Export for Origami > Reveal Exports in Finder.

  • You can select an artboard/top level group to export that one by itself.

  • Symbols are flattened due to plugin constraints.


Please file an issue or post in the Origami Community page on Facebook if there is a problem!

Big thanks goes out to Ale Muñoz and Cemre Güngör for their work on sketch-framer.