
Advanced Logging configuration for flask application based on configuration file (json, yaml), disable logging for route with filters and log message as json

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Advanced Logging configuration for flask application based on yaml or json file. See logging.config

NOTE: If you want to use flask_logify.handlers.FlaskSysLogHandler you must init this extension with an app context.

The dump of request or response are made by builders, there are two concrete implementations:

  1. LogTextBuilder: message as plain text (configurable).
  2. LogJSONBuilder: message as json format.

You can create your own builder by extending class LogBuilder. In order to get the correct remote address you can override LogBuilder.get_remote_address method or you can inject a function in LogBuilder constructor.

See example usage in example/test.py.

FlaskLogging as a decorator attribute with which you can disable log messages for a specific route, passing a logging filter to it. For example you want disable log for health check endpoint. See example/text.py.


Install flask_logify using pip:

$ pip install Flask-Logify

Example usage

An example of log file configuration is under example folder.

Only yaml or json format are supported.

from flask import Flask
from flask_logify import FlaskLogging

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['LOG_FILE_CONF'] = 'log.yaml'
app.config['LOG_LOGGER_NAME'] = 'flask-development'

logging = FlaskLogging()
with app.app_context():


Go to and see log messages like configured


Base configuration keys:

  1. LOGGING: (default: None) dict logging configuration
  2. LOG_FILE_CONF: (default: None) absolute path of configuration file (has priority on LOGGING)
  3. LOG_APP_NAME: (default: flask) the ident of the record used by syslog
  4. LOG_LOGGER_NAME: (default: flask-development) usually is {LOG_APP_NAME}-{FLASK_ENV}
  5. REQUEST_ID_HEADER: (default: X-Request-ID) request id header key
  6. LOG_BUILDER: (default: text) log builder implementation (text, json)

Text and JSON builder configuration keys:

  1. LOG_REQ_HEADERS: (default: []) request headers to dump always
  2. LOG_RESP_HEADERS: (default: []) response headers to dump always
  3. LOG_REQ_SKIP_DUMP: (default: not DEBUG) if true dump of request body and headers are skipped
  4. LOG_RESP_SKIP_DUMP: (default: DEBUG) if true dump of response body and headers are skipped

Text builder only:

  1. LOG_RESP_FORMAT: (default: "OUTGOING RESPONSE for {address} at {path}: {level} STATUS {status}{headers}{body}") log message format for response
  2. LOG_REQ_FORMAT: (default: "INCOMING REQUEST: {address} {method} {scheme} {path}{headers}{body}") log message format for request

License MIT