0. STATUS --------- This package is currently unmaintained, if you use it, you are on your own. 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- MonoCov is a line coverage analysis program for mono. It can be used to display coverage data collected while running a .NET program. There are two parts in the tool: a profiler module which is used during the execution of the program you want to gather coverage data from and a Gtk# user interface. 1.5 REQUIREMENTS ---------------- Recent Mono and Gtk# releases. You also need Mono.Cecil installed or copied in the source dir and where the programs are run from. The source release contains Mono.Cecil.dll and make install takes care of installing it properly. 2. USAGE -------- 2.1 COVERAGE DATA COLLECTION ---------------------------- To produce coverage info for an .NET program, compile it with the -debug switch to generate debug information. After this, run the program as follows: $ mono --debug --profile=monocov prog.exe This will produce a coverage data file called prog.exe.cov. You can run the analyser program as follows: $ mono monocov.exe prog.exe.cov This will display the class hierarchy of the program with the corresponding coverage information. It is also possible to filter the list of classes which need coverage data generated. Filters are string which are applied agains the fully qualified names of classes, e.g. [assemblyname]classname. You can specify filters directly on the command line: $ mono --debug --profile=monocov:-Security,-[System.Xml] prog.exe There are two types of filters: include filters, whose name begins with '+', and exclude filters, whose name begins with '-'. Include filters are checked before exclude filters. For example: $ mono --debug --profile=monocov:+[mscorlib],-Hashtable prog.exe This will collect coverage info for all classes in corlib, except the ones whose name contains 'Hashtable'. 2.2 ANALYSIS ------------ The collected coverage data can be browsed using the monocov program. This program will read the data file produced by the profiler module, and display its contents in a hierarchical fashion. It is also possible to export the contents of a data file into XML, which can be viewed in an XSL capable browser like mozilla. To export the data as XML, run monocov like this: monocov --export-xml=<DEST DIR> <DATA FILE NAME> The generated XML files use a default stylesheet which is a bit ugly. It would be good if somebody could contribute a better one :) To export the data as HTML, run monocov like this: monocov --export-html=<DEST DIR> <DATA FILE NAME> You can use this application to track your code coverage as part of your build process. To specify a minimum methode coverage of 50% and a minimum class coverage of 80%: monocov --minMethodeCoverage=0.5 --minClassCoverage=0.8 <DATA FILE NAME> The application will return an exit code which can be used to determine if all classes/methodes have a greater code coverage than specified. 2.5 KNOWN BUGS -------------- The --debug option to mono should not be required and it should be enabled by default. We disable mono's domain unload since we don't handle that case yet. 3. UTILITY PROGRAMS ------------------- There are two utility programs included with MonoCov: - symbols.exe: this program can be used to dump the line number information contained in an mcs generated assembly. - nunit-console.exe: this is a rewritten version of the original nunit console program. It has the following features: - easier to invoke: no stupid /assembly and /fixture arguments - ability to run test fixtures whose name matches a given pattern, like all the System.IO tests. - ability to exclude tests whose name matches a given pattern. - display of more detailed progress information. 4. TODO ------------- - Add ability to run the program from inside the analyzer - Add filters (globals/per program) - Handle nested classes more intelligently 5. LICENSE ---------- MIT/X11, see LICENSE file. 6. CONTACT ---------- Zoltan Varga (vargaz@freemail.hu) Jacob Ilsø Christensen (jacobilsoe@gmail.com) or preferably the mono devel list (mono-devel-list@ximian.com) RANDOM NOTES: ------------- - Methods with strange debugging info: - System.Collections.Hashtable..cctor() - SortedList+SynchedSortedList::this [key] - SortedList+SynchedSortedList::Clear () - System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture - If trans.gif is missing from the export directory: - when viewing HTML, it doesn't matter - when viewing XML, it matters - How can a bar be created without using an image ? TODO: - Add private paths used during data collection to the paths used to search for assemblies. - add 'include' and 'exclude' to filters - Implement merging of coverage results - put namespaces above classes in the hierarchy - handle missing source files - Scintilla - html output (with XSLT) - use Xml serialization in SyntaxHighlighter - speed up test suite generation in nunit (or in mono) - namespaces & filtering ??? - fix StackTrace tests - add ability to exclude some appdomains (like the nunit main appdomain) so the tests will run faster. - avoid instrumentation for instruction without side effects (like ldc.i4) - why does the RSA tests take so much time -> because of entropy generation