This aims to provide similar features in Ruby to access to Bugzilla through WebService APIs. currently the following APIs are available:
- Bugzilla::WebService::Bug
- Bugzilla::WebService::Bugzilla
- Bugzilla::WebService::Classification
- Bugzilla::WebService::Product
- Bugzilla::WebService::User
as example, in the bin directory, we have a tool named bzconsole. with that, you can login, search and get a bug. some examples:
list all new bugs, from Novell, created after 2014-09-25, with product Security (SUSE Security Incidents):
bzconsole search --status=NEW --create-time=2014-09-25 --product=Security --detailed-list nvbz
similar for Red Hat:
bzconsole search --status=NEW --create-time=2014-09-28 --product=Security --detailed-list rhbz
search without login:
bzconsole search --status=NEW --anonymous --create-time=2014-09-28 --product=Security --detailed-list rhbz
get a specific bug:
bzconsole getbug nvbz:889526
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This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.