
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ARCHE Constants Metadata Creator

This Repository is used to create Baserow tables for creating ARCHE Metadata. It creates the following tables:

  • Classes (All available vocabs:ARCHE classes like: Project, TopCollection, Collection, etc.)
  • Properties (All available vocabs:ARCHE properties like: hasTitle, hasDescription, etc.)
  • Vocabs (All available vocabularies from vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at.)
  • Project (A table linked to all other tables for creating ARCHE constants project metadata.)
  • Persons (A table for creating ARCHE constants person metadata.)
  • Organizations (A table for creating ARCHE constants organization metadata.)
  • Places (A table for creating ARCHE constants places metadata.)

Usage (Github Actions)

  • Login to Baserow and create a new workspace for a project.
  • Then create a new API token in Baserow.
  • Clone this repository and either delete the .git folder and initialize new git repo or change the origin to your needs; you can also fork the repo. add the API token to the secrets of the Github repository as BASEROW_TOKEN. Add more secrets for the user as BASEROW_USER and password as BASEROW_PW.
  • Trigger the workflow manually and add the Baserow Datebase ID of the database in your Baserow workspace in the required Github Actions Input field.

Installation and Usage (Local)

make sure you set BASEROW_TOKEN, BASEROW_USER and BASEROW_PW as environment variables

python -m venv venv # create a virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment

pip install -r requirements.txt # install python dependencies

python scripts/arche2json.py # create json files from ARCHE Schema
python scripts/vocabs2json.py # create json files from vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at
python scripts/arche2baserow.py # upload json files to baserow to create tables