
A system for hosting PyQt applications inside Softimage's interface.

Primary LanguagePython

PyQtForSoftimage is a plugin for hosting PyQt applications inside Softimage's interface.


The PyQtForSoftimage plugin source code contains work contributed by other open source projects, specifically the work done by Jo Benayoun which is released under GPLv3. The CMake system and the python events plugin are released under the "New BSD" license. The FindSoftimage CMake module was contributed by Alan Jones and released under AGPL. The copyright notices can be found in files named LICENSE in the respective source directories.


You have two options...

  1. Download the precompiled .xsiaddon file from the github download page. http://www.steven-caron.com/downloads/tools/PyQtForSoftimage_beta5.xsiaddon
  2. Compile the plugin from the source code provided. See "Build Instructions" section for more information.

Build Instructions:

These instructions are not complete yet!

PyQtForSoftimage has been developed under Windows, support for Linux is untested.

PyQtForSoftimage has been built and tested with the following dependencies...

Compling Qt from source can be quite an involved process, its advised to obtain the precompiled binaries. Nokia provides them on their site but they are only for 32-bit, instead you can find precompiled 64-bit libraries here...


Once you have installed all the dependencies get the source code either by downloading the source archive directly from github or obtaining a distributed version control system like git or mecurial (with hg-git plugin). Information on setting up git is available from http://help.github.com/.

Now you can run CMake on the source directory and it will generate the necessary project files for compiling.

At this time you will need to move the plugin files to a plugin/addon directory by hand. Copy QtSoftimage.dll, qtevents.py, sisignals.py, pyqt_example.py and the Qt module directory to a plugins directory and Restart Softimage.

PySide support

incomplete support for PySide is available now. The Qt module which is now in the source tree handles the switch between PyQt or PySide. You should call Qt.initialize() at the top of your files... it currently favors PySide over PyQt so if you have both installed but want to use one or the other you can pass in "PySide" or "PyQt4".

   # favors PySide
   import Qt
   # forces PyQt4
   import Qt