
Browser library to wrap Farmbot's authentication and RPC instructions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FarmbotJS: Farmbot RPC wrapper

Project Status

Public Alpha. Were using it in the next version of the Farm Designer and are stabilizing the API as we go. API may change without notice, but is mostly functional.

Browser Support

Works on any browser that supports:


npm install farmbot

Raise an issue if you require support with other package managers such as Bower.

Login with an API Token

Login using your API token from the Farmbot Web App.

Click here for instructions on how to generate an API token


  var SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0MTIzQHRlc3QuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNDU5MTA5NzI4LCJqdGkiOiI5MjJhNWEwZC0wYjNhLTQ3NjctOTMxOC0xZTQxYWU2MDAzNTIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjMwMDAvIiwiZXhwIjoxNDU5NDU1MzI4LCJtcXR0IjoibG9jYWxob3N0IiwiYm90IjoiYWE3YmIzN2YtNWJhMy00NjU0LWIyZTQtNThlZDU3NDY1MDhjIn0.KpkNGR9YH68AF3iHP48GormqXzspBJrDGm23aMFGyL_eRIN8iKzy4gw733SaJgFjmebJOqZkz3cly9P5ZpCKwlaxAyn9RvfjQgFcUK0mywWAAvKp5lHfOFLhBBGICTW1r4HcZBgY1zTzVBw4BqS4zM7Y0BAAsflYRdl4dDRG_236p9ETCj0MSYxFagfLLLq0W63943jSJtNwv_nzfqi3TTi0xASB14k5vYMzUDXrC-Z2iBdgmwAYUZUVTi2HsfzkIkRcTZGE7l-rF6lvYKIiKpYx23x_d7xGjnQb8hqbDmLDRXZJnSBY3zGY7oEURxncGBMUp4F_Yaf3ftg4Ry7CiA";

  bot = Farmbot({ token: SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN });

Notes about using tokens:

  • There's no need to mention the MQTT server, it's in the token.
  • There's no need to mention the bot's UUID, it's in the token.


  1. webpack
  2. npm publish

Sending Commands to a Farmbot Object

    alert("Bot online!");
    bot.emergencyStop(); // You can chain commands.
    alert("Bot has stopped!");
  .catch(function(error) {
    alert("Something went wrong :(");

To run it off of a private server, you will need to change the meshServer url first:

var bot = Farmbot({uuid: "123", token: "456", meshServer: "//myMeshBluServer.org"});

Basic RPC Commands

Call RPC commands using the corresponding method on bot. All RPC commands return a promise. Timeout is set at 1000 ms by default and can be reconfigured by changing the bot timeout propery on instantiation or via bot.setState("timeout", 999).


      console.log("X Axis is now at 0.");
      console.log("Failed to bring X axis home.");

Currently supported commands:

  • emergencyStop
  • execSequence
  • homeAll
  • homeX
  • homeY
  • homeZ
  • moveAbsolute({x:, y:, z:})
  • moveRelative({x:, y:, z:})
  • pinWrite(num, val, mode)
  • readStatus
  • send(commandObject)
  • syncSequence
  • updateCalibration
  • send(messageObject)
  • sendRaw(jsObject) (NOT PROMISE BASED- consider using send() instead.)

Using Events

  var bot = Farmbot({uuid: '---', token: '---'});
  bot.on("eventName", function(data, eventName) {
    console.log("I just got an" + eventName + " event!");
    console.log("This is the payload: " + data);
   // "I just got an eventName event!"
   // "This is the payload: any javascript object or primitive"
  bot.emit("eventName", "any javascript object or primitive");
  var eventHandlers = bot.event("eventName");
   // [function(){...}]

Common Events

  • *: Catch all events (for debugging).
  • ready: Client is connected and subscribed to bot.
  • disconnect: Connection lost. Note: FarmbotJS won't auto-reconnect.
  • message: When the bot gets a non-rpc command, it is regarded as a 'message'.
  • change: The bot object's internal state has changed.
  • <random uuid>: RPC commands have UUIDs when they leave the browser. When the bot responds to that message, FarmbotJS will emit an event named after the request's UUID. Mostly for internal use.

Internal State and Config

The bot object keeps all state in one place for sanity. This includes things like configuration options, current position, etc. All updates to the bot's state are broadcast with a change event, that reports current and previous state value as it changes.

  • bot.getState(): Get copy of Farmbot status variables (read only).
  • bot.getState(attribute_name): Fetch a state record such as timeout or meshServer URL.
  • bot.setState(name, value): Set state value 'x' to 'y'. Ex: bot.setState('uuid', '---'). Emits a change event.

Common Config Options

If you are running your own servers, you may want to use other options.

Timeout (Number)

Time (in milliseconds) to wait before deeming an RPC command to be unacknowledged. Relevant promise objects will be rejected if the bot does not respond in the timeframe provided. Defaults to 1000.

var bot = Farmbot({
  uuid: "123",
  token: "456"
bot.options.timeout = 5000 // 5 seconds


  • Convert hardcoded strings, "magic numbers" and event names to constants.
  • Get compliant with A+ promise spec.
  • Track state changes when bot returns a status object. - define an isStatusUpdate type guard. - Add maybeUpdateState method. - emit change event in there. - Call it inside of send().