
Primary LanguageGo


Terrona is a blockchain prototype built with CosmosSDK

Native Currencies

Terrona is designed with the concept of managing scarce resources in a fictional world where a virus has taken over.

Currency Denomination Description
🧻 TPaper utpaper Native currenty, used to pay tax induced fees, so block rewards are also paid in tpaper.
😷 Masks umasks Staking currency. Must stake more than MinStake of this coin to become a validator.


  • Only Masks can be used as stake to become a validator or delegate
  • All fees and rewards will be paid with Tpaper
  • To become a validator, a node must be holding a minimum amount of Masks, detrmined by MinStake
  • Fees depend on a TaxRate managed by the blockchain
  • TaxRate can only be paid with Tpaper
  • TaxRate and MinStake can be modified using the governance module, creating and approving update proposals.
  • Validators receive block rewards (Tpaper fees enforced by the tax), distributed with the distribution module

How to test basic functionality

Starport used for bootstraping and genesis management, required for building the genesis file.

config.yml defines user accounts and gentx to create the initial validator

Generate genesis based on config.yml and start the node. It will also build terronad and terronacli.

starport serve -v

Starport will generate a genesis containing a gentx that will attempt to create a validator. This is only possible if the staking amount is greater than MinStake (DefaultMinStake=1000000umasks). Only umasks is accepted as stake currency. After Starport generates the initial configuration files, binaries can be recompiled with make.

Useful commands:

Send currency between user accounts:

terronacli tx send $(terronacli keys show user2 -a) $(terronacli keys show user3 -a) 1000umasks --fees 10utpaper

If the tx does not contain enough fees to cover the tax (DefaultTaxRate=0.01) or the fees are in a different currency other than utpaper, the tx will not be added to the pool.

Generate governance proposal to update minimum stake:

terronacli tx gov submit-proposal min-stake-update min_stake_proposal.json --from $(terronacli keys show user3 -a)

Generate governance proposal to update the tax rate:

terronacli tx gov submit-proposal tax-rate-update tax_proposal.json --from $(terronacli keys show user3 -a)

Check the block rewards paid to the validator in utpaper:

terronacli q distribution rewards $(terronacli keys show user1 -a)