- afurculitaIasi, Romania
- baldurrenschSourceability LLC
- bangpound@ActiveCampaign, @R-Shief and others
- bvleur1VL
- devdropsTaubate, SP - Brazil
- digitalkaozself-employeed
- dunglas@coopTilleuls
- GuillaumeDouryFrance
- hacfiCertified Symfony developer
- hhamonKODERO SAS
- immutefSCAYLE GmbH
- ip512Fairness
- jdelaune@wearekadence
- johnkaryKary Software LLC
- juliendidierFreelance
- laytoneversonWillow Creek, California
- luis-pabon-tfTampa, FL
- luishdezWobbleCode
- matks@PrestaShop
- MattKetmoKiln
- mitaken
- mRocaFreelance
- mykiwiopen to work
- nchaulet@elastic
- nick4fakeSoftServe
- ninsuoBlaBlaCar
- pvgndManoMano
- ronisahaBrac IT Services Limited
- sabinequBarcelona
- Swop@ankorstore
- thvd@CaseNine
- TNAJanssenAlmere
- tonydubKlaxoon
- wolfwolkerIntellectEU
- zerrvoxEen Innovation