
MiniBee (Arduino+XBee) library for communicating with pydonhive (see ssdn_python repo)

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains the hardware definitions and MiniBee firmware for the SenseStage boards to use within Arduino.
These adaptations are necessary for revision B (and up) of the SenseStage MiniBee, as this revision uses a different clock than any of the default Arduino boards.
For revision A (only in possession of a few early testers), you can select to use the “LilyPad Arduino w/ ATmega168″ or “Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (3.3V, 8 MHz), w/ ATmega168″ instead.

- Unarchive the package.
- In there you will find a folder called “hardware”.
- Copy the folder (including all the contents) to the root of your Arduino Sketch folder. If you have already a “hardware” folder in there, then copy the “minibee” folder that is in the downloaded package’s “hardware” folder to it. If you use the IDE >= 1.6.1, copy files in folder "hardware-1.6" to your "hardware" folder.
- You will also find a folder called “libraries” in the downloaded package.
- Copy the folder (including all the contents) to the root of your Arduino Sketch folder. If you have already a “libraries” folder in there, then copy the “MiniBee” folder that is in the downloaded package’s “libraries” folder to it.
- (Re)start the Arduino IDE.
- The MiniBee Boards will show up in the Tools -> Board ->.
- The MiniBee Firmware examples will show up in the:
    AT-mode: File -> Examples -> MiniBee, and the MiniBee Firmware library will show up in Sketch -> Import Library… -> MiniBee
    API-mode (recommended) File -> Examples -> MiniBeeAPIn, and the MiniBee Firmware library will show up in Sketch -> Import Library… -> MiniBeeAPIn

It is recommended to use the API version of the firmware, as this is the one that is currently being developed.

See also: