
This script will take Swagger openapi.json file and generate kotlin network API code. Please find swagger info here https://swagger.io/

This script will help in generating Kotlin code for network API calls like Data requests and responses, also this script will generate the Retrofit interface which includes abstract function with retrofit annotation.


You need a ruby setup on your machine.

You can check inside a terminal emulator by typing:

ruby -v

This should give some basic version information about ruby if ruby is already installed.

If ruby is not installed you can refer here for installation process https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/

How to use this script

  1. Download this script.
  2. Get the openapi.json from the swagger editor
  3. Then just execute the following script ruby gen_network_code.rb openapi.json
  4. After the successful execution of the script, you will get NetworkApi.kt with a request, response, and retrofit interface.

Please let me know the feedback or raise the issues here.