This repository contains code for discovering equations, generating random force, and evaluating reliability of a system. Here are some important notes to keep in mind:
- Equation discovery codes for each example are given in the folder with their name. "Drift 1" refers to the code for the first floor, and so on.
- To run the reliability code, one needs the prediction data generated by the actual/final prediction file.
- A forcing pickle file is used to generate random force.
- In the VB algorithm RVM is used for initialization. You must save the Sparsebayes package (to run RVM) in the folder where the codes are being run.
- The Sparsebayes package is given in the repository.
- The necessary code to execute Gibbs sampling for initialization can be found in the Utils directory.
- The order for running the codes is as follows:
- Drift & Diffusion files for equation discovery
- Forcing pickle file to generate random force
- Initial & Final prediction file to generate a larger prediction window for reliability
- Reliability file to find the probability of failure.