
This is a list of curated links from the #link-area channel that people find useful

How to add a link

Just follow the simple instructions to get a link added here

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Make your changes
  3. Send a pull request
  4. Wait till it gets at least 2 +1s from others

General DevOps

Troubleshooting Tools

  • httpbin A simple HTTP Request & Response Service. Particularly useful for debugging HTTP headers. Also open source, you can run it yourself.
  • grpcbin gRPC Request & Response Service. Also open source, you can run it yourself.
  • requestbin Inspect webhooks and HTTP requests Get a URL to collect HTTP or webhook requests and inspect them in a human-friendly way.
  • webhook.site Useful for debugging webhooks and SMTP. This is a service, be conscientous about payloads with secrets and PII!


