
Towards an interactive synteny visualization tool that scales to large datasets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Make sure you have a relatively recent version of node (v4.1.1 is known to work).

To build, do

npm run build

And for production (minifed, deduped)

npm run build-production

See package.json for more build options and scripts.


	data_url: "my-server/11691.22557.ks",	// path to a .ks file

	element_id: "#myDiv",					// id of the div you want the 
											// plots to be put in

	genome_x: {

		name: "Pan Troglodytes",			// English name of the genome 
											// (for plot axes)

		id: "11691",						// ID number (usually some digits)

		chromosomes: [
				gene_count: 2319,			// ignored for now

				length: 115123233,			// length of the chromosome 
											// in neucleotide space

				name: "1"

	genome_y: {
		...									// same as above