
Swagger integration to phoenix framework

Primary LanguageElixirMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

PhoenixSwagger Build Status

PhoenixSwagger is the library that provides swagger integration to the phoenix web framework. The PhoenixSwagger generates Swagger specification for Phoenix controllers and validates the requests.


PhoenixSwagger provides phx.swagger.generate mix task for the swagger-ui json file generation that contains swagger specification that describes API of the phoenix application.

You just need to add the swagger DSL to your controllers and then run this one mix task to generate the json files.

To use PhoenixSwagger with a phoenix application just add it to your list of dependencies in the mix.exs file:

def deps do
  [{:phoenix_swagger, "~> 0.6.0"}]

For Phoenix 1.2 or lower, please use version "~> 0.5.0".

Now you can use phoenix_swagger to generate swagger-ui file for you application.


The outline of the swagger document should be returned from a swagger_info/0 function defined in your phoenix Router.ex module.

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use MyApp.Web, :router

  pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]

  scope "/api", MyApp do
    pipe_through :api
    resources "/users", UserController

  def swagger_info do
      info: %{
        version: "1.0",
        title: "My App"

The version and title are mandatory fields. By default the version will be 0.0.1 and the title will be <enter your title> if you do not provide swagger_info/0 function.

See the swaggerObject specification for details of other information that can be included.

Swagger Path DSL

PhoenixSwagger provides swagger_path/2 macro that generates swagger specification for the certain phoenix controller action.


use PhoenixSwagger

swagger_path :index do
  get "/posts"
  description "List blog posts"
  responses 200, "Success"

def index(conn, _params) do
  posts = Repo.all(Post)
  render(conn, "index.json", posts: posts)

The swagger_path macro takes two parameters:

  • Name of controller action;
  • do block that contains the swagger specification for the controller action.

Within the do-end block, the DSL provided by the PhoenixSwagger.Path module can be used. The DSL always starts with one of the get, put, post, delete, head, options functions, followed by any functions with first argument being a PhoenixSwagger.Path.PathObject struct.


swagger_path :index do
  get "/api/v1/{org_id}/users"
  summary "Query for users"
  description "Query for users. This operation supports with paging and filtering"
  produces "application/json"
  tag "Users"
  operation_id "list_users"
  parameters do
    org_id :path, :string, "Organization ID", required: true
    zipcode :query, :string, "Address Zip Code", required: true, example: "90210"
    include :query, :array, "Related resources to include in response",
              items: [type: :string, enum: [:organisation, :favourites, :purchases]],
              collectionFormat: :csv
  response 200, "OK", Schema.ref(:Users)
  response 400, "Client Error"

Swagger Schema DSL

Response schema definitions are placed in a swagger_definitions/0 function within each controller module. This function should return a map in the format of a swagger definitionsObject.

The swagger_schema/2 macro can be used to build a schema definition using the functions provided by the PhoenixSwagger.Schema module.


def swagger_definitions do
    User: swagger_schema do
      title "User"
      description "A user of the application"
      properties do
        name :string, "Users name", required: true
        id :string, "Unique identifier", required: true
        address :string, "Home address"
        preferences (Schema.new do
          properties do
            subscribe_to_mailing_list :boolean, "mailing list subscription", default: true
            send_special_offers :boolean, "special offers list subscription", default: true
      example %{
        name: "Joe",
        id: "123",
        address: "742 Evergreen Terrace"
    Users: swagger_schema do
      title "Users"
      description "A collection of Users"
      type :array
      items Schema.ref(:User)

JSON:API Helpers

The PhoenixSwagger.JsonApi module provides helpers for constructing JSON:API schemas easily. PhoenixSwagger.JsonApi.resource/1 describes a JSON:API resource object. PhoenixSwagger.JsonApi.page/1 and PhoenixSwagger.JsonApi.single/1 can then be used to wrap a resource in a JSON:API top level object


use PhoenixSwagger

def swagger_definitions do
    UserResource: JsonApi.resource do
      description "A user that may have one or more supporter pages."
      attributes do
        phone :string, "Users phone number"
        full_name :string, "Full name"
        user_updated_at :string, "Last update timestamp UTC", format: "ISO-8601"
        user_created_at :string, "First created timestamp UTC"
        email :string, "Email", required: true
        birthday :string, "Birthday in YYYY-MM-DD format"
        address Schema.ref(:Address), "Users address"
      link :self, "The link to this user resource"
      relationship :posts
    Users: JsonApi.page(:UserResource),
    User: JsonApi.single(:UserResource)

swagger_path :index do
  get "/api/v1/users"
  paging size: "page[size]", number: "page[number]"
  response 200, "OK", Schema.ref(:Users)

Generate Swagger File

After adding swagger spec to you controllers, run the phx.swagger.generate mix task for the swagger-ui json file generation into directory with phoenix application:

mix phx.swagger.generate

As the result there will be swagger.json file into root directory of the phoenix application. To generate swagger file with the custom name/place, pass it to the main mix task:

mix phx.swagger.generate ~/my-phoenix-api.json

If the project contains multiple Router modules, you can generate a swagger file for each one by specifying the router module as an argument to mix phx.swagger.generate:

mix phx.swagger.generate booking-api.json -r MyApp.BookingRouter
mix phx.swagger.generate reports-api.json -r MyApp.ReportsRouter
mix phx.swagger.generate admin-api.json -r MyApp.AdminRouter

For more informantion, you can find swagger specification here.


Besides generator of swagger schemas, the phoenix_swagger provides validator of input parameters of resources.

Suppose you have following resource in your schema:

"/history": {
    "get": {
        "parameters": [
            "name": "offset",
            "in": "query",
            "type": "integer",
            "format": "int32",
            "description": "Offset the list of returned results by this amount. Default is zero."
            "name": "limit",
            "in": "query",
            "type": "integer",
            "format": "int32",
            "description": "Integer of items to retrieve. Default is 5, maximum is 100."

The phoenix_swagger provides PhoenixSwagger.Validator.parse_swagger_schema/1 API to load a swagger schema by the given path or list of paths. This API should be called during application startup to parse/load a swagger schema.

After this, the PhoenixSwagger.Validator.validate/2 can be used to validate resources.

For example:

iex(1)> Validator.validate("/history", %{"limit" => "10"})
{:error,"Type mismatch. Expected Integer but got String.", "#/limit"}

iex(2)> Validator.validate("/history", %{"limit" => 10, "offset" => 100})

Besides validate/2 API, the phoenix_swagger validator can be used via Plug to validate intput parameters of your controllers.

Just add PhoenixSwagger.Plug.Validate plug to your router:

pipeline :api do
  plug :accepts, ["json"]
  plug PhoenixSwagger.Plug.Validate

scope "/api", MyApp do
  pipe_through :api
  post "/users", UsersController, :send

The current minimal version of elixir should be 1.3 and in this case you must add phoenix_swagger application to the application list in your mix.exs.

Swagger UI

PhoenixSwagger includes a plug with all static assets required to host swagger-ui from your Phoenix application.


Generate a swagger file and place it in your applications priv/static dir:

mix phx.swagger.generate priv/static/myapp.json

Add a swagger scope to your router, and forward all requests to SwaggerUI

    scope "/api/swagger" do
      forward "/", PhoenixSwagger.Plug.SwaggerUI, otp_app: :myapp, swagger_file: "swagger.json"

Run the server with mix phoenix.server and browse to localhost:8080/api/swagger/, Swagger-ui should be shown with your swagger spec loaded.

See the examples/simple project for a runnable example with swagger-ui.