
The sources for the mc68060.library. Usable with all mc68060 CPU cards on Amiga.

Primary LanguageAssembly

$Id: ReadMe 1996/02/19 22:02:21 schlote Exp schlote $

Files in this directory for original release 1.01:

fpsp.sa		Full FP Kernel Module - hex image
fpsp.s		Full FP Kernel Module - source code
fpsp.doc	Full FP Kernel Module - on-line documentation

pfpsp.sa	Partial FP Kernel Module - hex image
pfpsp.s		Partial FP Kernel Module - source code

fplsp.sa	FP Library Module - hex image
fplsp.s		FP Library Module - source code
fplsp.doc	FP Library Module - on-line documentation

isp.sa		Integer Unimplemented Kernel Module - hex image
isp.s		Integer Unimplemented Kernel Module - source code
isp.doc		Integer Unimplemented Kernel Module - on-line doc

ilsp.sa		Integer Unimplemented Library Module - hex image
ilsp.s		Integer Unimplemented Library Module - source code
ilsp.doc	Integer Unimplemented Library Module - on-line doc

fskeleton.s	Sample Call-outs needed by fpsp.sa and pfpsp.sa

iskeleton.s	Sample Call-outs needed by isp.sa

os.s		Sample Call-outs needed by fpsp.sa, pfpsp.sa, and isp.sa

ftest.sa	Simple test program to test that {p}fpsp.sa
		was connected properly; hex image
ftest.s		above test; source code

itest.sa	Simple test program to test that isp.sa was
		connected properly; hex image
itest.s		above test; source code

test.doc	on-line documentation for {i,f}test.sa

README		This file

ERRATA		Known errata for this release

MISC		Release file version numbers