
Lightweight C++20 testing framework.

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


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Lightweight C++20 testing framework.

The goal of snitch is to be a simple, cheap, non-invasive, and user-friendly testing framework. The design philosophy is to keep the testing API lean, including only what is strictly necessary to present clear messages when a test fails.

Features and limitations

  • No heap allocation from the testing framework, so heap allocations from your code can be tracked precisely.
  • Works with exceptions disabled, albeit with a minor limitation (see Exceptions below).
  • No external dependency; just pure C++20 with the STL.
  • Compiles template-heavy tests at least 50% faster than other testing frameworks (see Release benchmarks).
  • By defaults, test results are reported to the standard output, with optional coloring for readability. Test events can also be forwarded to a reporter callback for reporting to CI frameworks (Teamcity, ..., see Reporters).
  • Limited subset of the Catch2 API, see Comparison with Catch2.
  • Additional API not in Catch2, or different from Catch2:

If you need features that are not in the list above, please use Catch2 or doctest.

Notable current limitations:

  • No multithreaded test execution yet; the code is thread-friendly, this is just not implemented.

Supported compilers:

  • Mininum: GCC 10, recommended: GCC 11.
  • Minimum: Clang 10, recommended: Clang 13.
  • Minimum: MSVC 14.30 (compiler 19.29).


This is the same example code as in the Catch2 tutorials:

#include <snitch/snitch.hpp>

unsigned int Factorial( unsigned int number ) {
    return number <= 1 ? number : Factorial(number-1)*number;

TEST_CASE("Factorials are computed", "[factorial]" ) {
    REQUIRE( Factorial(0) == 1 ); // this check will fail
    REQUIRE( Factorial(1) == 1 );
    REQUIRE( Factorial(2) == 2 );
    REQUIRE( Factorial(3) == 6 );
    REQUIRE( Factorial(10) == 3628800 );


Screenshot from 2022-10-16 16-17-04

And here is an example code for a typed test, also borrowed (and adapted) from the Catch2 tutorials:

#include <snitch/snitch.hpp>

using MyTypes = snitch::type_list<int, char, float>; // could also be std::tuple; any template type list will do
TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Template test case with test types specified inside snitch::type_list", "[template][list]", MyTypes)
    REQUIRE(sizeof(TestType) > 1); // will fail for 'char'


Screenshot from 2022-10-16 16-16-50

Example build configurations with CMake

Using snitch as a regular library

Here is an example CMake file to download snitch and define a test application:


                     GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/cschreib/snitch.git
                     GIT_TAG        v1.0.0) # update version number if needed

  # add your test files here...

add_executable(my_tests ${YOUR_TEST_FILES})
target_link_libraries(my_tests PRIVATE snitch::snitch)

snitch will provide the definition of main() unless otherwise specified.

Using snitch as a header-only library

Here is an example CMake file to download snitch and define a test application:


                     GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/cschreib/snitch.git
                     GIT_TAG        v1.0.0) # update version number if needed

  # add your test files here...

add_executable(my_tests ${YOUR_TEST_FILES})
target_link_libraries(my_tests PRIVATE snitch::snitch-header-only)

One (and only one!) of your test files needs to include snitch as:

#include <snitch_all.hpp>

See the documentation for the header-only mode for more information. This will include the definition of main() unless otherwise specified.

Example build configuration with meson

First, meson build needs a subprojects directory in your project source root for dependencies. Create this directory if it does not exist, then, from within your project source root, run:

> meson wrap install snitch

This downloads a wrap file, snitch.wrap, from WrapDB to the subprojects directory. A [provide] section declares snitch = snitch_dep, and that guides meson's wrap dependency system to use a snitch install, if found, or to download snitch as a fallback.

The provided snitch_dep dependency is retrieved and used in a meson.build script, e.g.:

snitch_dep = dependency('snitch')

test('mytest', executable('test','test.cpp',dependencies:snitch_dep) )

Alternatively, you can git clone snitch directly to subprojects/snitch. A wrap file is then optional. You can retrieve the dependency directly (as is necessary in meson < v0.54):

snitch_dep = subproject('snitch').get_variable('snitch_dep')

If you use snitch only as a header-only library then you can disable the library build by configuring with:

  • -D snitch:create_library=false

Otherwise, if you use snitch only as a regular library, then you can configure with:

  • -D snitch:create_header_only=false

And this disables the build step that generates the single-header file "snitch_all.hpp".


The following benchmarks were done using real-world tests from another library (observable_unique_ptr), which generates about 4000 test cases and 25000 checks. This library uses "typed" tests almost exclusively, where each test case is instantiated several times, each time with a different tested type (here, 25 types). Building and running the tests was done without parallelism to simplify the comparison. The benchmarks were run on a desktop with the following specs:

  • OS: Linux Mint 20.3, linux kernel 5.15.0-56-generic.
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (6 core).
  • RAM: 16GB.
  • Storage: NVMe.
  • Compiler: GCC 10.3.0 with -std=c++20.

The benchmark tests can be found in different branches of observable_unique_ptr:

Description of results below:

  • Build framework: Time required to build the testing framework library (if any), without any test.
  • Build tests: Time required to build the tests, assuming the framework library (if any) was already built.
  • Build all: Total time to build the tests and the framework library (if any).
  • Run tests: Total time required to run the tests.
  • Library size: Size of the compiled testing framework library (if any).
  • Executable size: Size of the compiled test executable, static linking to the testing framework library (if any).

Results for Debug builds:

Debug snitch Catch2 doctest Boost UT
Build framework 2.0s 41s 2.0s 0s
Build tests 62s 79s 73s 118s
Build all 64s 120s 75s 118s
Run tests 37ms 76ms 63ms 20ms
Library size 3.6MB 38.6MB 2.8MB 0MB
Executable size 31.6MB 49.3MB 38.6MB 51.9MB

Results for Release builds:

Release snitch Catch2 doctest Boost UT
Build framework 2.8s 47s 3.5s 0s
Build tests 127s 254s 207s 289s
Build all 130s 301s 210s 289s
Run tests 25ms 46ms 44ms 5ms
Library size 0.68MB 2.6MB 0.39MB 0MB
Executable size 8.3MB 17.4MB 15.2MB 11.3MB


  • No attempt was made to optimize each framework's configuration; the defaults were used. C++20 modules were not used.
  • Boost UT was unable to compile and pass the tests without modifications to its implementation (issues were reported).


Detailed comparison with Catch2

See the dedicated page in the docs folder for a breakdown of Catch2 features and their implementation status in snitch.

Given that snitch mostly offers a subset of the Catch2 API, why would anyone want to use it over Catch2?

  • snitch does not do any heap allocation while running tests. This is important if the tests need to monitor the global heap usage, to ensure that the tested code only allocates what it is supposed to (or not at all). This is tricky to do with Catch2, since some check macros will trigger heap allocations by using std::string and other heap-allocated data structures. To add to the confusion, some std::string instances used by Catch2 will fall under the small-string-optimization threshold, and won't generate heap allocations on some implementations of the C++ STL. This makes any measurement of heap usage not only noisy, but platform-dependent. If this is a concern to you, then snitch is a better choice.

  • snitch has a much smaller compile-time footprint than Catch2, see the benchmarks above. If your tested code is very cheap to compile, but you have a large number of tests and/or assertions, your compilation time may be dominated by the testing framework implementation (this is the case in the benchmarks). If the compilation time with Catch2 becomes prohibitive or annoying, you can give snitch a try to see if it improves it.

  • snitch can be used as a header-only library. This may be relevant for very small projects, or projects that do not use one of the supported build systems.

  • snitch has better reporting of typed tests (template test cases). While Catch2 will only report the type index in the test type list, snitch will actually report the type name. This makes it easier to find which type generated a failure.

  • snitch is able to test and decompose expressions both at run-time and compile-time in the same build (see CONSTEXPR_CHECK). Catch2 on the other hand is only able to test at compile-time (but not decompose) in one build, and test and decompose at run-time in a different build (using STATIC_CHECK).

If none of the above applies, then Catch2 will generally offer more value.

Test case macros

Standalone test cases

TEST_CASE(NAME, TAGS) { /* test body */ }

This must be called at namespace, global, or class scope; not inside a function or another test case. This defines a new test case of name NAME. NAME must be a string literal, and may contain any character, up to a maximum length configured by SNITCH_MAX_TEST_NAME_LENGTH (default is 1024). This name will be used to display test reports, and can be used to filter the tests. It is not required to be a unique name. TAGS specify which tag(s) are associated with this test case. This must be a string literal with the same limitations as NAME. See the Tags section for more information on tags. Finally, test body is the body of your test case. Within this scope, you can use the test macros listed below.

TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE(NAME, TAGS, TYPES...) { /* test code for TestType */ }

This is similar to TEST_CASE, except that it declares a new test case for each of the types listed in TYPES.... Within the test body, the current type can be accessed as TestType. The full name of the test, used when filtering tests by name, is "NAME <TYPE>". If you tend to reuse the same list of types for multiple test cases, then TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE() is recommended instead.

TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE(NAME, TAGS, TYPES) { /* test code for TestType */ }

This is equivalent to TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE, except that TYPES must be a template type list of the form T<Types...>, for example snitch::type_list<Types...> or std::tuple<Types...>. This type list can be declared once and reused for multiple test cases.

Test cases with fixtures


This is similar to TEST_CASE, except that the test body is interpreted "as if" it was a member function of a class deriving from the FIXTURE class. This means the test body has access to public and protected members of FIXTURE, but not to private members. Each time the test is executed, a new instance of FIXTURE is created, the test body is run on this temporary instance, and finally the instance is destroyed; the instance is not shared between tests.

TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE_METHOD(NAME, TAGS, TYPES...) { /* test code for TestType */ }

This is similar to TEST_CASE_METHOD, except that it declares a new test case for each of the types listed in TYPES.... Within the test body, the current type can be accessed as TestType. If you tend to reuse the same list of types for multiple test cases, then TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE_METHOD() is recommended instead.

TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE_METHOD(NAME, TAGS, TYPES) { /* test code for TestType */ }

This is equivalent to TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE_METHOD, except that TYPES must be a template type list of the form T<Types...>, for example snitch::type_list<Types...> or std::tuple<Types...>. This type list can be declared once and reused for multiple test cases.

Test check macros

The following macros can only be used inside a test body, either immediately in the body itself, or inside a function called by the test. They cannot be used if a test is not running (e.g., they cannot be used as generic assertion macros).


The macros in this section evaluate their operands are run-time exclusively.


This evaluates the expression EXPR, as in if (EXPR), and reports a failure if EXPR evaluates to false. On failure, the current test case is stopped. Execution then continues with the next test case, if any. The value of each operand of the expression will be displayed on failure, provided the types involved can be serialized to a string. See Custom string serialization for more information. If one of the operands is a matcher and the operation is ==, then this will report a failure if there is no match. Conversely, if the operation is !=, then this will report a failure if there is a match.


This is similar to REQUIRE, except that on failure the test case continues. Further failures may be reported in the same test case.


This is equivalent to REQUIRE(!(EXPR)), except that it is able to decompose EXPR (otherwise, the !(...) forces evaluation of the expression, which then cannot be decomposed).


This is equivalent to CHECK(!(EXPR)), except that it is able to decompose EXPR (otherwise, the !(...) forces evaluation of the expression, which then cannot be decomposed).


This is equivalent to REQUIRE(EXPR == MATCHER), and is provided for compatibility with Catch2.


This is equivalent to CHECK(EXPR == MATCHER), and is provided for compatibility with Catch2.


The macros in this section evaluate their operands are compile-time exclusively. To benefit from the run-time infrastructure of snitch (allowed failures, custom reporter, etc.), the test report is still generated at run-time. However, if the operands cannot be evaluated at compile-time, a compiler error will be generated.

These macros are recommended for testing consteval functions, which are always evaluated at compile-time. For constexpr functions, which can be evaluated both at compile-time and run-time, prefer the CONSTEXPR_* macros described below.


Same as REQUIRE(EXPR) but with operands evaluated at compile-time.


Same as CHECK(EXPR) but with operands evaluated at compile-time.


Same as REQUIRE_FALSE(EXPR) but with operands evaluated at compile-time.


Same as CHECK_FALSE(EXPR) but with operands evaluated at compile-time.


Same as REQUIRE_THAT(EXPR, MATCHER) but with operands evaluated at compile-time.


Same as CHECK_THAT(EXPR, MATCHER) but with operands evaluated at compile-time.

Run-time and compile-time

The macros in this section evaluate their operands both are compile-time and at run-time. To benefit from the run-time infrastructure of snitch (allowed failures, custom reporter, etc.), the test report is still generated at run-time regardless of the above. However, if the operands cannot be evaluated at compile-time, a compiler error will be generated.

These macros are recommended for testing constexpr functions, which can be evaluated both at compile-time and at run-time. Since the operands are also evaluated at run-time, the test will contribute to the coverage analysis (if any), which is otherwise impossible for purely compile-time tests (e.g., CONSTEVAL_* macros above).


Same as REQUIRE(EXPR) but with operands evaluated both at compile-time and run-time.


Same as CHECK(EXPR) but with operands evaluated both at compile-time and run-time.


Same as REQUIRE_FALSE(EXPR) but with operands evaluated both at compile-time and run-time.


Same as CHECK_FALSE(EXPR) but with operands evaluated both at compile-time and run-time.


Same as REQUIRE_THAT(EXPR, MATCHER) but with operands evaluated both at compile-time and run-time.


Same as CHECK_THAT(EXPR, MATCHER) but with operands evaluated both at compile-time and run-time.

Exception checks


This evaluates the expression EXPR inside a try/catch block, and attempts to catch an exception of type EXCEPT. If no exception is thrown, or an exception of a different type is thrown, then this reports a test failure. On failure, the current test case is stopped. Execution then continues with the next test case, if any.


This is similar to REQUIRE_THROWS_AS, except that on failure the test case continues. Further failures may be reported in the same test case.


This is similar to REQUIRE_THROWS_AS, but further checks the content of the exception that has been caught. The caught exception is given to the matcher object specified in MATCHER (see Matchers). If the exception object is not a match, then this reports a test failure.


This is similar to REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES, except that on failure the test case continues. Further failures may be reported in the same test case.


This evaluates the expression EXPR inside a try/catch block. If an exception is thrown, then this reports a test failure. On failure, the current test case is stopped. Execution then continues with the next test case, if any.


This is similar to REQUIRE_NOTHROW, except that on failure the test case continues. Further failures may be reported in the same test case.



This reports a test failure with the message MSG. The current test case is stopped. Execution then continues with the next test case, if any.


This is similar to FAIL, except that the test case continues. Further failures may be reported in the same test case.


This reports the current test case as "skipped". Any previously reported status for this test case is ignored. The current test case is stopped. Execution then continues with the next test case, if any.


This is similar to SKIP, except that the test case continues. Further failure will not be reported. This is only recommended as an alternative to SKIP() when exceptions cannot be used.


Tags are assigned to each test case using the Test case macros, as a single string. Within this string, individual tags must be surrounded by square brackets, with no white-space between tags (although white space within a tag is allowed). For example:

TEST_CASE("test", "[tag1][tag 2][some other tag]") {
    //             ^---- these are the tags ---^

Tags can be used to filter the tests, for example, by running all tests with a given tag. There are also a few "special" tags recognized by snitch, which change the behavior of the test:

  • [.] is the "hidden" tag; any test with this tag will be excluded from the default list of tests. The test will only be run if selected explicitly, either when filtering by name, or by tag.
  • [.<some tag>] is a shortcut for [.][<some_tag>].
  • [!mayfail] indicates that the test may fail; if so, any failure will be recorded, but the test case will still be marked as passed.
  • [!shouldfail] indicates that the test must fail; any failure will be recorded, but the test case will still be marked as passed. If no failure is recorded, the test is marked as failed.


Matchers in snitch work differently than in Catch2. Matchers do not need to inherit from a common base class. The only required interface is:

  • matcher.match(obj) must return true if obj is a match, false otherwise.
  • matcher.describe_match(obj, status) must return a value convertible to std::string_view, describing why obj is or is not a match, depending on the value of snitch::matchers::match_status.
  • matcher == obj and obj == matcher must return matcher.match(obj), and matcher != obj and obj != matcher must return !matcher.match(obj); any matcher defined in the snitch::matchers namespace will have these operators defined automatically.

The following matchers are provided with snitch:

  • snitch::matchers::contains_substring{"substring"}: accepts a std::string_view, and will return a match if the string contains "substring".
  • snitch::matchers::with_what_contains{"substring"}: accepts a std::exception, and will return a match if what() contains "substring".
  • snitch::matchers::is_any_of{T...}: accepts an object of any type T, and will return a match if it is equal to any of the T....

Here is an example matcher that, given a prefix p, checks if a string starts with the prefix "<p>:":

namespace snitch::matchers {
struct has_prefix {
    std::string_view prefix;

    bool match(std::string_view s) const noexcept {
        return s.starts_with(prefix) && s.size() >= prefix.size() + 1 && s[prefix.size()] == ':';

    describe_match(std::string_view s, match_status status) const noexcept {
        small_string<max_message_length> message;
            message, status == match_status::matched ? "found" : "could not find", " prefix '",
            prefix, ":' in '", s, "'");

        if (status == match_status::failed) {
            if (auto pos = s.find_first_of(':'); pos != s.npos) {
                append_or_truncate(message, "; found prefix '", s.substr(0, pos), ":'");
            } else {
                append_or_truncate(message, "; no prefix found");

        return message;
} // namespace snitch::matchers

snitch will always call match() before calling describe_match(). Therefore, you can save any intermediate calculation performed during match() as a member variable, to be reused later in describe_match(). This can prevent duplicating effort, and can be important if calculating the match is an expensive operation.


As in Catch2, snitch supports nesting multiple tests inside a single test case, to share set-up/tear-down logic. This is done using the SECTION("name") macro. Please see the Catch2 documentation for more details. Note: if any exception is thrown inside a section, or if a REQUIRE() check fails (or any other check which aborts execution), the whole test case is stopped. No other section will be executed.

Here is a brief example to demonstrate the flow of the test:

TEST_CASE( "test with sections", "[section]" ) {
    std::cout << "set-up" << std::endl;
    // shared set-up logic here...

    SECTION( "first section" ) {
        std::cout << " 1" << std::endl;
    SECTION( "second section" ) {
        std::cout << " 2" << std::endl;
    SECTION( "third section" ) {
        std::cout << " 3" << std::endl;
        SECTION( "nested section 1" ) {
            std::cout << "  3.1" << std::endl;
        SECTION( "nested section 2" ) {
            std::cout << "  3.2" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "tear-down" << std::endl;
    // shared tear-down logic here...

The output of this test will be:



As in Catch2, snitch supports capturing contextual information to be displayed in the test failure report. This can be done with the INFO(message) and CAPTURE(vars...) macros. The captured information is "scoped", and will only be displayed for failures happening:

  • after the capture, and
  • in the same scope (or deeper).

For example, in the test below we compute a complicated formula in a CHECK():

#include <cmath>

TEST_CASE("test without captures", "[captures]") {
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4);

The output of this test is:

failed: running test case "test without captures"
          at test.cpp:116
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4), got 0.309018 <= 0.400000
failed: running test case "test without captures"
          at test.cpp:116
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4), got 0.000001 <= 0.400000
failed: running test case "test without captures"
          at test.cpp:116
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4), got 0.309015 <= 0.400000

We are told the computed values that failed the check, but from just this information, it is difficult to recover the value of the loop index i which triggered the failure. To fix this, we can add CAPTURE(i) to capture the value of i:

#include <cmath>

TEST_CASE("test with captures", "[captures]") {
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4);

This new test now outputs:

failed: running test case "test with captures"
          at test.cpp:116
          with i := 4
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4), got 0.309018 <= 0.400000
failed: running test case "test with captures"
          at test.cpp:116
          with i := 5
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4), got 0.000001 <= 0.400000
failed: running test case "test with captures"
          at test.cpp:116
          with i := 6
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4), got 0.309015 <= 0.400000

For convenience, any number of variables or expressions may be captured in a single CAPTURE() call; this is equivalent to writing multiple CAPTURE() calls:

#include <cmath>

TEST_CASE("test with many captures", "[captures]") {
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        CAPTURE(i, 2 * i, std::pow(i, 3.0f));
        CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.2);

This outputs:

failed: running test case "test with many captures"
          at test.cpp:122
          with i := 5
          with 2 * i := 10
          with std::pow(i, 3.0f) := 125.000000
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.4), got 0.000001 <= 0.400000

The only requirement is that the captured variable or expression must be of a type that snitch can serialize to a string. See Custom string serialization for more information.

A more free-form way to add context to the tests is to use INFO(...). The parameters to this macro will be serialized together to form a single string, which will be appended as one capture. This can be combined with CAPTURE(). For example:

#include <cmath>

TEST_CASE("test with info", "[captures]") {
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        INFO("first loop (i < 5, with i = ", i, ")");
        CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.2);
    for (std::size_t i = 5; i < 10; ++i) {
        INFO("second loop (i >= 5, with i = ", i, ")");
        CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.2);

This outputs:

failed: running test case "test with info"
          at test.cpp:123
          with second loop (i >= 5, with i = 5)
          with i := 5
          CHECK(std::abs(std::cos(i * 3.14159 / 10)) > 0.2), got 0.000001 <= 0.200000

Custom string serialization

When the snitch framework needs to serialize a value to a string, it does so with the free function append(span, value), where span is a snitch::small_string_span, and value is the value to serialize. The function must return a boolean, equal to true if the serialization was successful, or false if there was not enough room in the output string to store the complete textual representation of the value. On failure, it is recommended to write as many characters as possible, and just truncate the output; this is what built-in functions do.

Built-in serialization functions are provided for all fundamental types: integers, enums (serialized as their underlying integer type), floating point, booleans, standard string_view and char*, and raw pointers.

If you want to serialize custom types not supported out of the box by snitch, you need to provide your own append() function. This function must be placed in the same namespace as your custom type or in the snitch namespace, so it can be found by ADL. In most cases, this function can be written in terms of serialization of fundamental types, and won't require low-level string manipulation. For example, to serialize a structure representing the 3D coordinates of a point:

namespace my_namespace {
    struct vec3d {
        float x;
        float y;
        float z;

    bool append(small_string_span ss, const vec3d& v) {
        return append(ss, "{", v.x, ",", v.y, ",", v.z, "}");

Alternatively, to serialize a class with an existing toString() member:

namespace my_namespace {
    class MyClass {
        // ...

        std::string toString() const;

    bool append(small_string_span ss, const MyClass& c) {
        return append(ss, c.toString());

If you cannot write your serialization function in this way (or for optimal speed), you will have to explicitly manage the string span. This typically involves:

  • calculating the expected length n of the textual representation of your value,
  • checking if n would exceed ss.available() (return false if so),
  • storing the current size of the span, using old_size = ss.size(),
  • growing the string span by this amount using ss.grow(n) or ss.resize(old_size + n),
  • actually writing the textual representation of your value into the raw character array, accessible between ss.begin() + old_size and ss.end().

Note that snitch small strings have a fixed capacity; once this capacity is reached, the string cannot grow further, and the output must be truncated. This will normally be indicated by a ... at the end of the strings being reported (this is automatically added by snitch; you do not need to do this yourself). If this happens, depending on which string was truncated, there are a number of compilation options that can be modified to increase the maximum string length. See CMakeLists.txt, or at the top of snitch.hpp, for a complete list.


By default, snitch will report the test results to the standard output, using its own report format. You can override this by supplying your own "reporter" callback function to the test registry. This requires using your own main function.

The callback is a single noexcept function, taking two arguments:

  • a reference to the snitch::registry that generated the event
  • a reference to the snitch::event::data containing the event data. This type is a std::variant; use std::visit to act on the event.

The callback can be registered either as a free function, a stateless lambda, or a member function. You can register your own callback as follows:

// Free function.
// --------------
void report_function(const snitch::registry& r, const snitch::event::data& e) noexcept {
    /* ... */

snitch::tests.report_callback = &report_function;

// Stateless lambda (no captures).
// -------------------------------
snitch::tests.report_callback = [](const snitch::registry& r, const snitch::event::data& e) noexcept {
    /* ... */

// Stateful lambda (with captures).
// -------------------------------
auto lambda = [&](const snitch::registry& r, const snitch::event::data& e) noexcept {
    /* ... */

// 'lambda' must remain alive for the duration of the tests!
snitch::tests.report_callback = lambda;

// Member function (const or non-const, up to you).
// ------------------------------------------------
struct Reporter {
    void report(const snitch::registry& r, const snitch::event::data& e) /*const*/ noexcept {
        /* ... */

Reporter reporter; // must remain alive for the duration of the tests!

snitch::tests.report_callback = {reporter, snitch::constant<&Reporter::report>};

If you need to use a reporter member function, please make sure that the reporter object remains alive for the duration of the tests (e.g., declare it static, global, or as a local variable declared in main()), or make sure to de-register it when your reporter is destroyed.

Likewise, when receiving a test event, the event object will only contain non-owning references (e.g., in the form of string views) to the actual event data. These references are only valid until the report function returns, after which point the event data will be destroyed or overwritten. If you need persistent copies of this data, you must explicitly copy the data, and not the references. For example, for strings, this could involve creating a std::string (or snitch::small_string) from the std::string_view stored in the event object.

Finally, note that events being sent to the reporter are affected by the chosen verbosity:

  • quiet: assertion_failed and test_case_skipped only.
  • normal: same as quiet, plus test_run_started and test_run_ended.
  • high: same as normal, plus test_case_started and test_case_ended.
  • full: same as high, plus assertion_succeeded (i.e., all events).

An example reporter for Teamcity is included for demonstration, see include/snitch/snitch_teamcity.hpp.

Default main function

The default main() function provided in snitch offers the following command-line API:

  • positional arguments for filtering tests by name, see below.
  • -h,--help: show command-line help.
  • -l,--list-tests: list all tests.
  • --list-tags: list all tags.
  • --list-tests-with-tag: list all tests with a given tag.
  • -v,--verbosity <quiet|normal|high|full>: select level of detail for test events.
  • --color <always|never>: enable/disable colors in the default reporter.

The positional arguments are used to select which tests to run. If no positional argument is given, all tests will be run, except those that are explicitly hidden with special tags (see Tags). If at least one filter is provided, then hidden tests will no longer be excluded by default. This reproduces the behavior of Catch2.

A filter may contain any number of "wildcard" character, *, which can represent zero or more characters. For example:

  • ab* will include all test cases with names starting with ab.
  • *cd will include all test cases with names ending with cd.
  • ab*cd will include all test cases with names starting with ab and ending with cd.
  • abcd will only include the test case with name abcd.
  • * will include all test cases.

If a filter starts with ~, then it is interpreted as an exclusion:

  • ~ab* will exclude all test cases with names starting with ab.
  • ~*cd will exclude all test cases with names ending with cd.
  • ~ab*cd will exclude all test cases with names starting with ab and ending with cd.
  • ~abcd will exclude the test case with name abcd.
  • ~* will exclude all test cases.

If a filter starts with [ or ~[, then it applies to the test case tags, else it applies to the test case name. This behavior can be bypassed by escaping the bracket \[, in which case the filter applies to the test case name again (see note below on escaping).

Finally, if more than one filter is provided, then filters are applied one after the other, in the order provided. As in Catch2, a filter will include (or exclude with ~) the tests that match the inclusion (or exclusion) pattern, but will leave the status of tests that do not match the filter unchanged. Filters on test names and tags can be mixed. For example, the table below shows which test is included (1) or excluded (0) after applying the three filters a* ~*d abcd:

Test name Initial Apply a* State Apply ~*d State Apply abcd State
a 0 1 1 1 1
b 0 0 0 0
c 0 0 0 0
d 0 0 0 0 0
abc 0 1 1 1 1
abd 0 1 1 0 0 0
abcd 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Note: To match the actual character * in a test name, the * in the filter must be escaped using a backslash, like \*. In general, any character located after a single backslash will be interpreted as a regular character, with no special meaning. Be mindful that most shells (Bash, etc.) will also require the backslash itself be escaped to be interpreted as an actual backslash in snitch. The table below shows examples of how edge-cases are handled:

Bash snitch matches
\\ \ nothing (ill-formed filter)
\\* \* any name which is exactly the * character
\\\\ \\ any name which is exactly the \ character
\\\\* \\* any name starting with the \ character
[a* [a* any tag starting with [a
\\[a* \[a* any name starting with [a

Using your own main function

By default snitch defines main() for you. To prevent this and provide your own main() function, when compiling snitch, SNITCH_DEFINE_MAIN must be set to 0.

If using the header-only mode, this can be done in the file that defines the snitch implementation:

#include <snitch_all.hpp>

If using CMake, this can be done by setting the option just before calling FetchContent_Declare():


If using meson, then you can configure with -D snitch:define_main=false.

Here is a recommended main() function that replicates the default behavior of snitch:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Parse the command line arguments.
    std::optional<snitch::cli::input> args = snitch::cli::parse_arguments(argc, argv);
    if (!args) {
        // Parsing failed, an error has been reported, just return.
        return 1;

    // Configure snitch using command line options.
    // You can then override the configuration below, or just remove this call to disable
    // command line options entirely.

    // Your own initialization code goes here.
    // ...

    // Actually run the tests.
    // This will apply any filtering specified on the command line.
    return snitch::tests.run_tests(*args) ? 0 : 1;


By default, snitch assumes exceptions are enabled, and uses them in two cases:

  1. Obviously, in test macros that check exceptions being thrown (e.g., REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(...)).
  2. In REQUIRE*(), FAIL(), and SKIP() macros, to abort execution of the current test case and continue to the next one.

If snitch detects that exceptions are not available (or is configured with exceptions disabled, by setting SNITCH_WITH_EXCEPTIONS to 0), then

  1. Test macros that check exceptions being thrown will not be defined.
  2. REQUIRE*(), FAIL(), and SKIP() macros will simply use std::terminate() to abort execution. Consequently, the whole test application stops and the following test cases are not executed. If this is undesirable, use the alternative macros that do not abort execution: CHECK*(), FAIL_CHECK(), and SKIP_CHECK(), then do the control flow yourself (e.g., return from the test case).

Header-only build

The recommended way to use snitch is to build and consume it like any other library. This provides the best incremental build times, a standard way to include and link to the snitch implementation, and a cleaner separation between your code and snitch code, but this also requires a bit more set up (using a build generator like CMake, meson, or some other build system).

For extra convenience, snitch is also provided as a header-only library. The main header is called snitch_all.hpp, and can be downloaded as an artifact from each release on GitHub. It is also produced by any local CMake or meson build, so you can also use it like any other library.

With CMake, just link to snitch::snitch-header-only instead of snitch::snitch.

With meson, the snitch_dep dependency works for both library and header-only usage.

snitch_all.hpp is the only header required to use the library; other headers may be provided for convenience functions (e.g., reporters for common CI frameworks) and these must still be included separately.

To use snitch as header-only in your code, simply include snitch_all.hpp instead of snitch.hpp. Then, one of your files must include the snitch implementation. This can be done with a .cpp file containing only the following:

#include <snitch_all.hpp>

clang-format support

With its default configuration, clang-format will incorrectly format code using SECTION() if the section is the first statement inside a test case. This is because it does not know the semantic of this macro, and by default interprets it as a declaration rather than a control statement.

Fixing this requires clang-format version 13 at least, and requires adding the following to your .clang-format file:

SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatementsExceptControlMacros


Contributions to the source code are always welcome! Simply follow the rules laid out below. If you are not familiar with contributing to an open-source project, feel free to open a Discussion and ask for guidance. Regardless, you will receive help all the way, and particularly during the code review.

The process:

  • If you are considering adding a feature from Catch2 that snitch currently does not support, please check the Catch2 support roadmap first.
  • Please check the Issue Tracker for any issue (open or closed) related to the feature you would like to add, or the problem you would like to solve. Read the discussion that has taken place there, if any, and check if any decision was taken that would be incompatible with your planned contribution.
  • If the path is clear, fork this repository and commit your changes to your own fork.
  • Use "atomic" commits (check that the code compiles before committing) and reasonably clear commit messages (no "WIP"). Linear history is preferred (i.e., avoid merge commits), but will not be enforced.
  • Check your code mostly follows the snitch C++ Coding Guidelines.
  • Run clang-format on your code before committing. The .clang-format file at the root of this repository contains all the formatting rules, and will be used automatically.
  • Add tests to cover your new code if applicable (see the tests sub-folder).
  • Run the snitch tests and fix any failure if you can (CMake can run them for you if you ask it to "build" the snitch_runtime_tests_run target, otherwise just run manually build/tests/snitch_runtime_tests).
  • Open a Pull Request, with a description of what you are trying to do.
  • If there are issues you were unable to solve on your own (e.g., tests failing for reasons you do not understand, or high-impact design decisions), please feel free to open the pull request as a "draft", and highlight the areas that you need help with in the description. Once the issues are addressed, you can take your Pull Request out of draft mode.
  • Your code will then be reviewed, and the reviewer(s) may leave comments and suggestions. It is up to you to act on these comments and suggestions, and commit any required code changes. It's OK to push back on a suggestion if you have a good reason; don't always assume the reviewer is right.
  • When all comments are addressed, the reviewer(s) should mark the Pull Request as "approved", at which point anyone involved can merge it into the main branch.
  • Job done! Congratulations.

Why snitch?

Libraries and programs sometimes do shady or downright illegal stuff (i.e., bugs, crashes). snitch is a library like any other; it may have its own bugs and faults. But it's a snitch! It will tell you when other libraries and programs misbehave, with the hope that you will overlook its own wrongdoings.